Page 103 - 《精细化工》2020年第3期
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第 37 卷第 3 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.3
             202 0 年 3 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Mar.    2020


                                             计宏益,李明玉 ,翁畅成
                                 (暨南大学  环境学院,水处理工程研究中心,广东  广州  511400)

                 摘要:采用前驱体法以钛白副产品为原料制备了 Fe 3 O 4 (记为 Fe 3 O 4 -PR),并将其作为催化剂催化 H 2 O 2 降解活
                 性艳红 X-3B。考察了 Fe 3 O 4 -PR 的催化活性和稳定性,溶液 pH、H 2 O 2 投加量和 Fe 3 O 4 -PR 投加量对该催化降解
                 采用前驱体法可成功制备出具有超顺磁性的多面立体结构 Fe 3 O 4 -PR。性能测试表明,Fe 3 O 4 -PR 具有良好的催化
                 活性和稳定性。在 pH=3、H 2 O 2 投加量为 3.0 mmol/L 及 Fe 3 O 4 -PR 投加量为 1.0 g/L 的条件下,活性艳红 X-3B 的
                 降解率可达 97%,总有机碳(TOC)去除率为 47%。机理研究表明,该催化降解反应是在催化剂表面活性位点
                 发生,•OH 是主要活性物质,降解过程存在氧化还原循环。
                 关键词:钛白副产品;四氧化三铁;类芬顿;活性艳红 X-3B;催化技术
                 中图分类号:TM277      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 03-0521-07

                             Preparation of ferroferric oxide by precursor method
                                           and its catalytic performance

                                         JI Hongyi, LI Mingyu , WENG Changcheng
                 (Water  Treatment Engineering Research Center, School of Environment, Jinan University,  Guangzhou 511400,
                 Guangdong, China)

                 Abstract: Fe 3O 4  (named  as  Fe 3O 4-PR)  was  prepared  from  by-product  of  titanium  dioxide  by  precursor
                 method and used as a catalyst to catalyze H 2O 2 to degrade active brilliant red X-3B. Its catalytic activity and
                 stability  were  explored.  The  effects  of  pH  of  the  solution,  H 2O 2  dosage  and  Fe 3O 4-PR  dosage  on  the
                 catalytic degradation reaction were investigated. The mechanism of the catalytic degradation reaction was
                 studied.  The  samples  were  characterized  by  XRD,  SEM,  vibrating  sample  magnetometer  (VSM)  and
                 dynamic  light  scattering  (DLS).  The  results  showed  that  Fe 3O 4-PR  with  superparamagnetic  polyhedral
                 structure was successfully prepared by the precursor method. Moreover, Fe 3O 4-PR had good stability and
                 catalytic  activity.  Under  the  conditions  of  pH=3,  H 2O 2  dosage  of  3.0  mmol/L  and  Fe 3O 4-PR  dosage  of
                 1.0 g/L, the degradation rate of reactive brilliant red X-3B was 97%, and the total organic carbon (TOC)
                 removal  rate  was  47%.  The  mechanism  investigation  indicated  that  the  catalytic  degradation  reaction
                 occurred  at  the  active  site  of  catalyst  surface,  and  •OH  was  the  main  active  material.  The  redox  cycle
                 existed in the degradation process.
                 Key  words:  by-product  of  titanium  dioxide;  ferroferric  oxide;  Fenton-like;  active  brilliant  red  X-3B;
                 catalysis technology

                 随着工业化的快速发展,水环境污染问题愈来                          (AOPs)由于其绿色和高效的特点已被广泛应用于
            愈突出 ,特别是纺织行业大量排放的印染废水是                             印染废水的降解处理。
            当今水环境污染最严重问题之一 。印染废水中的                                 芬顿法是经典的 AOPs 工艺之一,芬顿体系生
            有机染料具有较强的生物耐受性和持久性,对水体                             成的•OH 具有较高的氧化还原电位 ,能对有机污
            生态系统和人体健康影响较大 。高级氧化技术                              染物进行非选择性氧化降解,最终将其矿化为 H 2 O、

                 收稿日期:2019-09-25;  定用日期:2019-12-02; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190905
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