Page 129 - 《精细化工》2020年第3期
P. 129
第 37 卷第 3 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.37, No.3
202 0 年 3 月 FINE CHEMICALS Mar. 2020
纳米薄层 SAPO-5 分子筛的离子热合成及催化性能
(兰州理工大学 石油化工学院,甘肃 兰州 730050)
纳米薄层 SAPO-5 分子筛作为晶种,使用离子热法在微波加热功率为 400 W、温度为 180 ℃和晶化时间为 20 min
的条件下,高效合成了具有六角花瓣状的纳米薄层 SAPO-5 分子筛。采用 XRD、SEM、N 2 物理吸/脱附和 NH 3 -TPD
对合成样品的物相、形貌、孔结构和酸性进行了分析。结果表明,所合成的样品 SC2-T180-t20-P400 是一种同时
含有微孔-介孔-大孔结构的多级孔 SAPO-5 分子筛,其外表面积高达 85 m /g。分子筛产物中无机物的原子利用
率达到 88%。该样品在苯与苯甲醇的烷基化反应中,苯甲醇转化率和二苯甲烷选择性分别达到 99.9%和 94.0%,
表现出比传统水热法合成的纳米薄层 SAPO-5 催化剂更为优异的催化性能。
中图分类号:O614; O643.36 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 03-0547-08
Ionothermal synthesis of SAPO-5 molecular sieve
nanosheets and its catalytic performances
ZHANG Junwei, DUAN Weiting, ZHAO Xinhong
(School of Petrochemical Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, Gansu, China)
Abstract: Hexagonal petal-like nanosheets SAPO-5 molecular sieve were effectively synthesized by
ionothermal method under the conditions of microwave heating power of 400 W, temperature of 180 ℃
and crystallization time of 20 min, in which a low-dosage eutectic mixture composed of succinic acid,
choline chloride and tetraethyl ammonium bromide was used as solvent and template, nanosheets SAPO-5
molecular sieve synthesized by hydrothermal method was acted as crystal seeds. The phase, morphology,
pore structure and acidity of the synthesized samples were analyzed by XRD, SEM, N 2 physical
adsorption/desorption and NH 3-TPD techniques. The results showed that the synthesized sample
SC2-T180-t20-P400 was a hierarchically porous SAPO-5 molecular sieve with micro-meso-macroporous
structure inside, and its external surface area was up to 85 m /g. The atomic utilization efficiency of
inorganic substances in molecular sieve products reached 88%. Most importantly, the conversion rate of
benzyl alcohol and the selectivity of diphenylmethane in the alkylation reaction between benzene and benzyl
alcohol on SC2-T180-t20-P400 reached 99.9% and 94.0%, respectively, showing SC2-T180-t20-P400 had
better catalytic performance than the traditional hydrothermally synthesized counterpart.
Key words: SAPO-5; nanosheets; hierarchical porous; crystal seed; ionothermal synthesis; catalysis technology
SAPO-5 分子筛是一种具有良好热稳定性和水 用。介孔或多级孔 SAPO-5 由于具有增大的外表面
热稳定性的 AFI 拓扑结构的磷酸硅铝盐,Si 原子取 积,可为尺寸较大反应物分子的扩散和反应提供更
代中性的 AlPO 4 -5 框架中的部分原子,使得分子筛 多空间,从而增大了传质速率,提高了催化性能。
具有一定的质子酸性,这些特性使其在催化裂化 、 值得注意的是,同时具有微孔和介孔结构的多级孔
异构化 [2-4] 、烷基化 [5-6] 等多种反应中有着广泛的应 SAPO-5 分子筛中,介孔结构的产生可能源于其独特
收稿日期:2019-07-17; 定用日期:2019-09-17; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190693