Page 131 - 《精细化工》2020年第8期
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第 37 卷第 8 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.8
             202 0 年 8 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Aug.    2020


                                             谭   宇,姚   进,朱和平
                                    (湖南工业大学  包装设计艺术学院,湖南  株洲    412007)

                 摘要:以 α,ω-二羟基聚二甲基硅氧烷、α,ω-二乙烯基聚二甲基硅氧烷、含氢硅油、空心玻璃微珠(HGB)为
                 原料,采用室温硫化法制备了一系列不同 HGB 用量的硅橡胶泡沫(SF)/HGB 复合材料,并研究了 HGB
                 用量对 SF/HGB 复合材料的交联密度、泡孔结构、机械性能、动态力学性能的影响。结果表明:HGB 质量
                 分数为 6.0%时制备的 SF/HGB6 复合材料具有最佳的综合性能。并考察了 SF/HGB6 复合材料的静态缓冲性
                 能和动态疲劳性能。结果表明:SF/HGB6 复合材料的缓冲系数与聚乙烯泡沫(EPE)非常接近;该复合材
                 料具有较长的疲劳寿命(600 万次)和较高的高度保持率(98.4%),远高于 EPE(29 万次,54.5%);并且
                 SF/HGB6 复合材料的缓冲系数在疲劳实验前后几乎没有变化,明显优于传统的缓冲材料 EPE,可作为包装
                 中图分类号:TB332      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 08-1629-07

                          Preparation and properties of silicone rubber foam/hollow
                                               glass beads composites

                                              TAN Yu, YAO Jin, ZHU Heping
                      (School of Packaging Design & Art, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou 412007, Hunan, China)

                 Abstract: A series of silicone rubber foam (SF)/hollow glass beads (HGB) composites were prepared by
                 room  temperature  vulcanization  method  using  α,ω-dihydroxy  polydimethylsiloxane,  α,ω-divinyl
                 polydimethylsiloxane, hydrogen silicone oil and HGB as raw materials. The effects of HGB dosage on the
                 crosslinking  density,  cellular  structure,  mechanical  properties,  and  dynamic  mechanical  properties  of
                 SF/HGB composites were studied. The results indicated that SF/HGB6 composite containing 6.0% HGB
                 (mass fraction) had the best comprehensive performance. Furthermore, the static cushioning and dynamic
                 fatigue properties of SF/HGB6 composite were investigated. It was found that the cushioning coefficient of
                 SF/HGB6 composite was very close to that of polyethylene foam (EPE). SF/HGB6 composite exhibited
                 long fatigue life (6 million times) and high height retention rate (98.4%), far greater than those of EPE (0.29
                 million  times,  54.5%).  Moreover,  the  cushioning  coefficient  of  SF/HGB6  composite  had  little  change
                 before and after fatigue test, which was obviously superior to that of traditional cushioning material EPE.
                 Therefore, SF/HGB6 composite can be used as a cushioning material in the packaging field.
                 Key  words:  silicone  rubber  foam;  hollow  glass  beads;  cellular  structure;  cushioning  property;  fatigue
                 property; functional materials

                 发泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)、发泡聚乙烯(EPE)是                       而已被许多欧洲国家禁用            [2-3] 。EPE 易于回收处理,
            常用的缓冲材料 ,能够大量吸收冲击能量,可确                             但因其发泡工艺限制,使用时需将片材黏合,限制
            保产品在运输过程中免于损坏。尽管 EPS 缓冲性能                          了其在异形产品中的应用 。
            优良,但因其回弹性差,回收困难、破坏生态环境                                 硅橡胶泡沫(SF)是硅橡胶经过发泡后制备的

                 收稿日期:2020-02-16;  定用日期:2020-04-02; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200106
                 作者简介:谭   宇(1984—),男,博士生,。联系人:朱和平(1965—),男,教授,博士生导师,E-mail:
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