Page 72 - 《精细化工》2021年第1期
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第 38 卷第 1 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.38, No.1
             202 1 年 1 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Jan.  2021


                            伊志豪,孙   杰 ,李吉刚,周   添,卫寿平,解洪嘉
                                   (中国人民解放军陆军防化学院  化学防护系,北京  102205)

                 摘要:氰化氢(HCN)剧毒、易挥发,沸点为 25.7  ℃。含氰化工品的加工,电石与黄磷加工产生的尾气,化石
                 燃料与生物质的燃烧以及选择性还原法脱除 NO x 均会导致 HCN 生成。HCN 的消除已引起人们的重视。综述了
                 对 HCN 净化效率高、工艺简便,具有良好的应用前景,是近来研究的热点。对吸附法和催化法在脱氰方面的研
                 究进展进行了探讨,重点介绍了吸附剂和催化剂的制备与应用,HCN 的吸附动力学行为以及 HCN 的催化消除
                 机理。最后,对吸附法和催化法消除 HCN 提出了建议。
                 中图分类号:X701      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 01-0062-09

                       Research progress of removal of hydrogen cyanide in gas phase

                           YI Zhihao, SUN Jie , LI Jigang, ZHOU Tian, WEI Shouping, XIE Hongjia
                             (Department of Chemistry Defense, Institute of NBC Defense, Beijing 102205, China)

                 Abstract: Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is a kind of highly toxic and volatile compound, with a boiling point of
                 25.7  ℃.  HCN is generated  from the processing of cyanide-containing chemicals, the tail gas from  the
                 processing of calcium carbide and yellow phosphorus, the combustion of fossil fuels and biomass, and the
                 removal of NO x by selective reduction. HCN removal has attracted more and more attention. The principle,
                 advantages and disadvantages, and application range of HCN removal methods such as absorption method,
                 combustion method, adsorption method  and catalytic  method are  reviewed.  Adsorption method and
                 catalytic method for HCN removal are recent research highlights due to their low reaction temperature,
                 high removal efficiency and simple purification process. The research progress on adsorption method and
                 catalytic  method for HCN removal  is discussed. The preparation  and application  of  adsorbents and
                 catalysts, the adsorption kinetics of HCN on adsorbents, and the catalytic removal mechanism of HCN
                 over catalysts are introduced. Finally, some suggestions for the HCN removal by adsorption and catalysis
                 are proposed.
                 Key words: HCN; adsorption; kinetics; catalysis; reaction mechanism

                 氰化氢(HCN)是凝固点和沸点之间相差最小                         物质的燃烧     [7-8] 以及选择性还原法脱除 NO x 均会导
            的一种军备毒剂        [1-2] 。HCN(3600 mg/L)可使无防           致 HCN 生成。高效脱氰的新方法一直是近年来的研
            护的人群快速致死,即使佩戴防毒面具,在质量浓                             究热点。常用于消除 HCN 的方法有吸收法、吸附法、
            度为 6000 mg/L HCN 下暴露时长超过 30 min 仍会导                燃烧法和催化法       [10-11] 。
            致中毒    [3-4] 。HCN 毒性大且来源广。含氰化工品的                       本文综述了吸收法、吸附法、燃烧法和催化法
            加工使用 ,电石与黄磷加工生产 ,化石燃料和生                            消除 HCN 的原理及研究进展,对各种脱氰方法的优

                 收稿日期:2020-05-29;  定用日期:2020-08-04; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200447
                 基金项目:国家人防办项目([2014] 251 号-61);军内科研项目(装综[2018] 635 号)
                 作者简介:伊志豪(1995—),男,硕士生,。联系人:孙   杰(1974—),女,教授,E-mail:magnsun@mail.
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