Page 93 - 《精细化工》2021年第4期
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第 4 期 温 莎,等: 非贵金属催化 5-羟甲基糠醛选择氧化的研究进展 ·727·
4 结束语与展望 catalyst[J]. Molecular Catalysis, 2017, 439: 171-179.
[11] RASS H A, ESSAYEM N, BESSON M. Selective aerobic oxidation
of 5-HMF into 2, 5-furandicarboxylic acid with Pt catalysts
目前,HMF 通过催化氧化制备高附加值精细化 supported on TiO 2- and ZrO 2-based supports[J]. ChemSusChem,
学品是解决化石资源消耗带来的环境和能源问题的 2015, 8(7): 1206-1217.
[12] ARTZ J, MALLMANN S, PALKOVITS R. Selective aerobic
途径。由于非贵金属成本低、储量大以及环境友好 oxidation of HMF to 2, 5-diformylfuran on covalent triazine
的特点,HMF 催化氧化中催化剂的研究重点从贵金 frameworks-supported Ru catalysts[J]. ChemSusChem, 2015, 8(4):
[13] CHEN H, WANG J T, YAO Y, et al. Cu-Ni bimetallic hydroxide
得了阶段性的进展,通过制备方法来调控催化剂性 catalyst for efficient electrochemical conversion of
能的措施成果显著。基于上述讨论,未来可通过以 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2, 5-furandicarboxylic acid[J].
ChemElectroChem, 2019, 6(35): 5797-5801.
(1)虽然非贵金属催化剂在 HMF 催化氧化中 Selective oxidation of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural to furan-2,
5-dicarboxylic acid over spinel mixed metal oxide catalyst[J].
已经表现出较好的催化性能,但还存在一些不足, Catalysis Communications, 2015, 58: 179-182.
如:活性中心浸出,反应条件苛刻,催化剂制备困 [15] LIU B, ZHANG Z H, LV K L, et al. Efficient aerobic oxidation of
biomass-derived 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2, 5-diformylfuran
难等。因此,非贵金属催化剂在 HMF 催化氧化的研 catalyzed by magnetic nanoparticle supported manganese oxide[J].
究还有待开发。 Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014, 472: 64-71.
(2)鉴于 FDCA 的重要性,非贵金属催化剂在
oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2, 5-diformylfuran using
催化氧化 HMF 到 FDCA 的研究可以进一步深入探索。 Mn(Ⅲ)-salen catalysts[J]. Catalysis Communications, 2008, 9(2):
(3)HMF 的催化氧化是一个既有研究价值,又
[17] QIN Y Z, LI Y M, ZONG M H, et al. Enzyme-catalyzed selective
有巨大挑战的课题。HMF 的氧化正朝着经济、环保、 oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and separation of HMF
操作简单和高效稳定的方向发展。因此,未来研究 and 2, 5-diformylfuran using deep eutectic solvents[J]. Green
Chemistry, 2015, 17(7): 3718-3722.
方向会朝着优化制备方法,使用绿色氧化剂前进。 [18] PAL P, SARAVANAMURUGAN S. Heterostructured manganese
catalysts for the selective oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,
参考文献: 5-diformylfuran[J]. ChemCatChem, 2020, 12(8): 2324-2332.
[19] KISSZEKELYI P, HARDIAN R, VOVUSHA H, et al. Selective
[1] WEN S, LIU K, TIAN Y, et al. Phosphorus-doped carbon supported electrocatalytic oxidation of biomass-derived
vanadium phosphate oxides for catalytic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) to 2, 5-diformylfuran (DFF): From
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[2] NIE J F, LIU H C. Aerobic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to [20] MENEZES P W, INDRA A, LITTLEWOOD P, et al. Nanostructured
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[3] ZHANG M, LIU Y Q, LIU B, et al. Trimetallic NiCoFe-layered [21] HAYASHI E, KOMANOYA T, KAMATA K, et al. Heterogeneously-
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by hydrotalcite-activated carbon composite supported gold Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 58: 92-96.