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第 38 卷第 5 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.38, No.5
             202 1 年 5 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 May  2021


                                   王文涛      1,2 ,赖欣婷 ,何旭斌 ,姚玉元
                 (1.  浙江理工大学  材料科学与工程学院,浙江  杭州  310018;2.  浙江龙盛集团股份有限公司,浙江  绍
                 兴  312300)

                 摘要:采用还原性有机酸络合铁离子并负载到活性炭纤维(ACFs)上,制备出非均相 Fenton 催化剂用于去除染
                 料废水中有机污染物。采用 SEM、FTIR 和 ICP-AES 对制备出的草酸铁(Oxa-Fe)络合物负载 ACFs
                 (Oxa-Fe/ACFs-3)进行了表征。发现草酸铁络合物均匀负载在 ACFs 上,其中铁的质量分数为 0.96%。在
                 Oxa-Fe/ACFs-3 和 H 2 O 2 添加量分别为 10 g/L 和 100 mmol/L(以染料废水体积计),50  ℃条件下对 20 mL 染料
                 废水进行了降解,染料废水化学需氧量(COD)去除率在 100 min 内可达 62.2%。此外,考察了该催化剂 pH 适
                 用范围以及重复使用性能。结果表明,Oxa-Fe/ACFs-3 促进了 H 2 O 2 活化产生活性自由基•OH 和•O 2 ,实现了对染
                 料废水中有机污染物的降解。对比了不同还原性有机酸络合铁负载 ACFs 处理染料废水的性能,发现有机酸还
                 原性越强,越有利于染料废水 COD 去除率的提高。
                 关键词:还原性有机酸;活性炭纤维;非均相 Fenton;水处理技术
                 中图分类号:X703;TQ342+.74      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 05-1023-07

                          Degradation of dye wastewater by reductive organic acids
                             coupled with ferric supported activated carbon fibers

                                  WANG Wentao , LAI Xinting , HE Xubin , YAO Yuyuan
                 (1. School of Materials Science  & Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, Zhejiang,  China;
                 2. Zhejiang Longsheng Group Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 312300, Zhejiang, China)
                 Abstract: Heterogeneous Fenton catalysts were prepared for the removal of organic pollutants from dye
                 wastewater by  using reductive organic  acids  coupled  with iron ions supported activated carbon  fibers
                 (ACFs). The prepared ferric oxalate complex supported ACFs (Oxa-Fe/ACFs-3) was characterized by SEM,
                 FTIR and ICP-AES. It was proved that the ferric oxalate complex was uniformly loaded on the surface on
                 ACFs, and the mass fraction of iron was 0.96%. When the addition amount of Oxa-Fe/ACFs-3 and H 2O 2
                 were 10 g/L  and  100 mmol/L based  on the  volume of dye  wasteruater, respectively, and  20 mL dye
                 wastewater was degraded at 50  ℃, the removal rate of chemical oxygen demand (COD) could reach 62.2%
                 within 100 min. In addition, the suitable pH range and reusability of this catalyst were investigated. The
                 results showed that Oxa-Fe/ACFs-3 promoted the activation of H 2O 2 to generate active radicals •OH and
                 •O 2 , which realized the degradation of organic pollutants in dye wastewater. The performances of different
                 reducing organic acids complexed  with ferric  supported ACFs in the  treatment of  dye wastewater were
                 compared.  It  was found that the enhancement of  reducibility of organic acids  was beneficial for the
                 improvement of COD removal rate in dye wastewater.
                 Key words:  reductive organic acids; activated carbon fiber; heterogeneous Fenton;  water treatment

                 收稿日期:2020-10-26;  定用日期:2020-12-18; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200985
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