Page 175 - 《精细化工》2021年第5期
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第 5 期 王文涛,等: 还原性有机酸络合铁负载活性炭纤维降解染料废水 ·1029·
降解染料废水的 COD 去除率分别为 62.2%、56.8%、 2020, 55: 15695-15708.
42.9%、39.9%和 38.5%,说明有机酸还原性越强,
Treatment of textile effluents by the heterogeneous Fenton process in
越有利于染料废水 COD 去除率的提高。 a continuous packed-bed reactor using Fe/activated carbon as
catalyst[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 232: 34-41.
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