Page 65 - 《精细化工》2021年第5期
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第 5 期 韦任轩,等: 多孔结构耐磨超疏水薄膜的制备及性能 ·919·
带走其表面的蓝色沙子,而当用水滴以一定高度滴 2409-2412.
在 P(VDF-HFP)/H-Al 2 O 3 薄膜上,水滴在薄膜表面滚 [10] GUI X M, OROZCO J, GARCÍA M, et al. Superhydrophobic
alkanethiol-coated microsubmarines for effective removal of oil[J].
落的同时并将蓝色的沙子带走,使薄膜表面重新恢 ACS Nano, 2012, 6(5): 4445-4451.
复到原来的状态。 [11] YANG K C (杨可成), XU L H (徐丽慧), MENG Y (孟云). Research
progress of durable superhydrophobic surface[J]. New Chemical
3 结论 Materials (化工新型材料), 2019, (7): 232-236.
[12] DENG X, MAMMEN L, ZHAO Y F, et al. Transparent, thermally stable
and mechanically robust superhydrophobic surfaces made from porous
通过溶剂/非溶剂诱导相分离法制备出超疏水耐 silica capsules[J]. Advanced Materials, 2011, 23(26): 2962-2965.
磨 P(VDF-HFP)/H-Al 2 O 3 薄膜,当 H-Al 2 O 3 纳米粒子 [13] CHEN H N, ZHU L Q, LI W P, et al. Simple spray deposition of a
water-based superhydrophobic coating with high stability for flexible
用量为 4.3%时,薄膜的疏水性最好,CA 可达 157°±2°,
applications[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(20): 9882-
SA 可达 0.2°±0.1°。由于 P(VDF-HFP)/ H-Al 2 O 3 薄膜 9890.
的超疏水性和低黏附性使其具有优异的自清洁性。 [14] IQBAL R, MAJHY B, SEN A K. Facile fabrication and characterization
of a PDMS-derived candle soot coated stable biocompatible
制备的 P(VDF-HFP)/H-Al 2O 3 薄膜具有多孔粗糙结构, superhydrophobic and superhemophobic surface[J]. ACS Applied
经砂纸摩擦后的薄膜表面不断暴露出与原始表面相 Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(36): 31170-31180.
似的微纳粗糙结构。所以薄膜具有优异的耐机械摩 [15] XU B B (徐兵兵), WANG B (王斌), HUANG Y W (黄月文).
Preparaion and performance of fluorine-free superhydrophobic coatings
擦性,薄膜表面即使经过 360 次摩擦(100 g 载重) based on modified silica and polysiloxane[J]. Fine Chemicals (精细
循环后仍具有超疏水性。优异的超疏水性使薄膜在不 化工), 2019, 36(10): 2009-2015.
[16] LI Y, CHEN S S, SUN J Q, et al. All spraying processes for the
同 pH 溶液浸泡 72 h 后和在紫外灯持续照射 200 h
fabrication of robust, self-healing, superhydrophobic coatings[J].
后仍具有超疏水性。制备 P(VDF-HFP)/H-Al 2 O 3 薄膜 Advanced Materials, 2014, 26(20): 3344-3348.
的方法操作简便,有望实现耐磨超疏水材料的大规 [17] XUE C H, ZHANG Z D, ZHANG J, et al. Lasting and self-healing
superhydrophobic surfaces by coating of polystyrene/SiO 2 nanoparticles
模制备。 and polydimethylsiloxane[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014,
2(36): 15001.
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