Page 101 - 《精细化工》2022年第10期
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第 39 卷第 10 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.39, No.10
             2022 年 10 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Oct.  2022

                      Mg(OH) 低极性晶面选择性生长控制及机理

                     曹雨微      1,2 ,刘   远 ,孔会民            1,2 ,岳   萍 ,唐大才 ,林彦军                    1,3*
                 (1.  北京化工大学  化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室,北京  100029;2.  西部矿业集团科技发展有限公
                 司,青海  西宁  810007;3.  青海大学  化工学院,青海  西宁  810016)

                 摘要:以 MgCl 2 为晶面调控剂,利用水热法对氢氧化镁(MH)的(001)晶面选择性生长进行了调控,研究了
                 晶面调控剂浓度、反应温度、反应时间对 MH 颗粒的溶解和结晶作用。在 MH 40 g、纯水 160 mL、晶面调控剂

                 浓度 0.5 mol/L、160  ℃、500 r/min 条件下水热处理 6 h 得到产品,产品各晶面的 XRD 衍射峰强度 I 001 /I 101 和 I 001 /I 110
                 较原料分别提高了 213.95%和 307.87%。百吨级中试实验控制 MH 固含量为 10%,加入 550 kg MH 工业品,晶
                 面调控剂浓度为 0.5 mol/L,在 160  ℃,150 r/min 水热处理 6 h,产品的 I 001 /I 101 和 I 001 /I 110 较原料分别提高了 83.72%
                 和 112.83%。采用 XRD、FE-SEM、TEM、FTIR、粒度分析仪对 MH 产品的形貌、结构进行了表征,并对调控
                 机理进行了研究。结果表明,MgCl 2 可以在水热体系中促进 MH 的(001)晶面选择性生长。一方面,MgCl 2 作
                 为强酸弱碱盐降低了体系 pH,Cl 可通过电荷中和效应使 MH 发生加速溶解;另一方面,MgCl 2 通过提供 Cl 促
                 进了 MH 边缘的生长,进而强化了(001)晶面的生长。
                 关键词:氢氧化镁;MgCl 2 ;晶面调控剂;(001)晶面;机理分析;功能材料
                 中图分类号:O611.2      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 10-2035-09

                              Selective growth control and mechanism analysis of
                                      Mg(OH) 2 low-polarity crystal surfaces

                      CAO Yuwei , LIU Yuan , KONG Huimin , YUE Ping , TANG Dacai , LIN Yanjun    1,3*
                 (1. State Key Laboratory of  Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical  Technology, Beijing
                 100029,  China; 2. Technology  Development of Western Mining Group Co., Ltd., Xining  810007, Qinghai,China; 3.
                 College of Chemical Engineering, Qinghai University, Xining 810016, Qinghai, China)
                 Abstract: Selective controllable growth of Mg(OH) 2 (MH) (001) crystal surface by hydrothermal method
                 was conducted using MgCl 2 as crystal surface regulator, and characterized by XRD, FE-SEM, TEM, FTIR,
                 and particle size analyzer for morphology and structure analyses. The effects of crystal surface regulator
                 concentration, reaction temperature and reaction time on the dissolution and crystallization of MH particles
                 were then investigated, and  the regulation  mechanism was also explored. The  product was obtained by
                 hydrothermal treatment under the conditions of MH 40 g, 160 mL of pure water, 0.5 mol/L concentration of
                 crystal surface modifier, 160  ℃  and 500 r/min for 6 h, the XRD peak intensity (I 001/I 101 and I 001/I 110) of the
                 regulated products increased by 213.95% and 307.87%. The product I 001/I 101 and I 001/I 110 were 83.72% and
                 112.83% higher than the raw material respectively when the solid content of MH was controlled at 10% in a
                 100-ton pilot experiment by adding 550 kg of MH industrial product with a concentration of 0.5 mol/L of
                 crystal surface regulator and hydrothermal treatment at 160  ℃ and  150  r/min for  6 h. respectively,
                 compared with the raw material in the 100-ton pilot experiment. It was also found that MgCl 2 successfully
                 promoted the  (001) crystal  face selective  growth of MH in the  hydrothermal  system. On  the one hand,
                 MgCl 2 as a strong acid and weak base salt lowered the pH of system, while Cl  accelerated MH dissolution
                 through charge neutralization. On the other hand, Cl  provided by MgCl 2 promoted the edge growth of MH,

                 收稿日期:2022-05-17;  定用日期:2022-08-04; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220468
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