Page 155 - 《精细化工》2022年第12期
P. 155
第 39 卷第 12 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.39, No.12
2022 年 12 月 FINE CHEMICALS Dec. 2022
马守肖,段昊沅,朱 凯
(南京林业大学 化学工程学院,江苏 南京 210037)
摘要:以杉木屑为原料,采用过热水蒸气蒸馏(SSD)法提取杉木精油。在投料量 350 g、蒸气流量 650 mL/h、
蒸馏时间 4 h 的条件下,考察不同温提取温度(130、160、190、220、250、280 ℃)对杉木精油气味、得率及
化学组成的影响。结果表明,SSD 法蒸气温度为 190 ℃时,精油得率最高,为 4.89%,约是常压水蒸气蒸馏(SD)
法的 3.2 倍。随着温度的升高,木香、膏香气息降低,焦甜味、酸味增加,精油中的柏木醇相对含量由 100 ℃
时的 49.99%下降到 280 ℃时的 25.41%,α-柏木烯相对含量由 16.61%上升至 30.14%,β-柏木烯相对含量由 4.10%
上升至 11.92%。SSD 法实现了杉木精油的高质、高效提取,解决了高温提取需要高压锅炉等带来的设备投入大
中图分类号:TQ654.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 12-2521-06
Essential oil extraction from Chinese fir by superheated water
steam distillation and its component analysis
MA Shouxiao, DUAN Haoyuan, ZHU Kai
(College of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, Jiangsu, China)
Abstract: Essential oil from Chinese fir was extracted by superheated steam distillation (SSD). Under the
conditions of 350 g feeding amount, 650 mL/h steam flow, and 4 h distillation, the effects of extraction
temperature (130, 160, 190, 220, 250 and 280 ℃) on odor, yield, and chemical composition of Chinese fir
essential oil were investigated. The result showed that, at steam temperature of 190 ℃, the yield reached the
highest (4.89%), about 3.2 times that of atmospheric steam distillation (SD). As temperature increased, the
smell of wood and cream fragrance decreased, while sweet and sour taste increased. At the same time, the
relative content of cedrol in the extracted essential oil decreased from 49.99% at 100 ℃ to 25.41% at
280 ℃, while that of α-cedrene increased from 16.61% to 30.14%, and that of β-cedrene increased from
4.10% to 11.92%. The SSD method realized efficient extraction of high quality Chinese fir essential oil, solved
the problem of large equipment investment and potential safety issues that caused by high-temperature
extraction, greatly improved the yield of essential oil, and clarified the relationship between chemical
composition and aroma. SSD method could meet different needs of Chinese fir essential oil products.
Key words: Chinese fir; essential oil; superheated water steam distillation; chemical composition;
separation and purification technology
杉木精油是一种重要的天然香料,可用于香水、 而柏木精油是世界十大天然精油之一,柏木精油及
熏香、化妆品等日化产品中,此外,其还具有抑菌 柏木系香料香气特殊、可贵、不可替代 。但柏木
免疫等作用 [1-5] ,可用于药品和精细化学品 。杉木 生长周期长,目前用于柏木精油提取的柏木资源严
精油与柏木精油的香气及化学组成相似,主要成分 重匮乏,已经影响到香料工业的发展,杉木精油可
均为柏木醇、柏木烯、罗汉柏木烯等萜类化合物。 代替柏木精油应用于香料行业。
收稿日期:2022-04-15; 定用日期:2022-06-20; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220355
作者简介:马守肖(1998—),女,硕士生,。联系人:朱 凯(1959—),男,教授,E-mail:zhukai53@。