Page 90 - 《精细化工》2022年第12期
P. 90
第 39 卷第 12 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.39, No.12
2 022 年 12 月 FINE CHEMICALS Dec. 2022
ML-WO /TiO 异质结的制备及其
对罗丹明 B 的光催化降解
刘 静,杨璐冰,李 晨,陈永凯,张 震,位文华
(山东建筑大学 市政与环境工程学院,山东 济南 250101)
摘要:采用空间限域法制备了单层二维 WO 3 纳米片(ML-WO 3 ),然后将其与 TiO 2 复合得到 ML-WO 3 /TiO 2 异质
结,在模拟太阳光下将其用于对罗丹明 B(RhB)的光催化降解。ML-WO 3 /TiO 2 异质结的组成和光学特性通过
SEM、TEM、HRTEM、AFM、XRD、XPS、UV-Vis 和 PL 进行了表征。结果表明,纳米 ML-WO 3 /TiO 2 克服了
纯 TiO 2 带隙宽度较大的缺陷,拓宽了 TiO 2 对可见光的吸收性能。ML-WO 3 与 TiO 2 之间具有明显的协同效应。
活性物种捕获实验表明,•OH 和•O 2 自由基是 RhB 降解的主要活性物种。ML-WO 3 和 TiO 2 之间构建的 Z 型异质
结电荷转移路径能够保证光生载流子的高效分离和电子转移效率。模拟太阳光下 20 min 内 20 mg ML-WO 3 /TiO 2
在 pH=7 条件下对质量浓度为 10 mg/L RhB 降解率为 85.9%,其光催化活性在 4 次循环实验后仍能接近 80%,具
有良好的光化学稳定性。通过 HPLC-MS 检测到 RhB 降解过程的 14 种中间产物,推测了 RhB 可能的降解路径。
关键词:ML-WO 3 /TiO 2 ;光催化;Z 型异质结;模拟太阳光;罗丹明 B;功能材料
中图分类号:X703;O643.36;O644.1 文献标识码:A
文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 12-2456-11 开放科学 (资源服务) 标识码 (OSID):
Preparation of ML-WO 3/TiO 2 heterojunction and its
photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B
LIU Jing, YANG Lubing, LI Chen, CHEN Yongkai, ZHANG Zhen, WEI Wenhua
(School of Municipal & Environmental Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, Shandong, China)
Abstract: ML-WO 3/TiO 2 heterojunction was prepared by compounding TiO 2 with monolayer
two-dimension tungsten trioxide nanosheets (ML-WO 3), which were obtained via space-confined strategy,
and then used for photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B (RhB) under simulated sunlight. The composition
and optical properties of ML-WO 3/TiO 2 were characterized and analyzed by SEM, TEM, HRTEM, AFM,
XRD, XPS, UV-Vis and PL. The results showed that nanosized ML-WO 3/TiO 2 overcame the large band gap
defect of pure TiO 2 and broadened the absorption performance of TiO 2 to visible light, indicating synergistic
effect between ML-WO 3 and TiO 2. Moreover, the capture experiments of active species demonstrated that
•OH and •O 2 free radicals were the main active species for RhB degradation, and the Z-scheme heterojunction
charge transfer pathway constructed between ML-WO 3 and TiO 2 could ensure efficient separation of
photogenerated carriers and electron transfer efficiency. The degradation rate of RhB with a mass concentration
of 10 mg/L catalyzed by 20 mg ML-WO 3/TiO 2 composites at pH=7 was 85.9% under simulated sunlight for
20 min, and the photocatalytic activity of ML-WO 3/TiO 2 composites could still remain 80% after 4 recycles,
showing good photochemical stability. Fourteen intermediates produced during RhB degradation were
detected by HPLC-MS, which helped for the speculation of the possible RhB degradation pathways.
Key words: ML-WO 3/TiO 2; photocatalysis; Z-scheme heterojunction; simulated sunlight; rhodamine B;
functional materials
收稿日期:2022-03-24; 定用日期:2022-07-08; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220269
作者简介:刘 静(1969—),女,教授,。