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·440· 精细化工 FINE CHEMICALS 第 39 卷
对复杂且需要外加能量消耗,尤其是对于高沸点、 graphene aerogel with applications for selective oil absorption[J].
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气凝胶不仅操作简单、能耗低,而且挤出的油品可 enhanced by graphene oxide and application in oil/water separation
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但此法对材料的性能要求较高,材料需具有较高的 Recent advances and future perspectives[J]. Advanced Materials, 2016,
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工业化油品来说,利用常压干燥法制备高光热转换 fiber/reduced graphene oxide aerogel for oil-water separation[J].
效率、高弹性和强机械性能的石墨烯基气凝胶,再 Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2020, 43: 2418-2427.
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通过物理机械挤压再生气凝胶和回收油品将是未来 cavity size ratio on in-situ burning of oil spills in ice-infested water
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机械性能强等特点在油水分离领域具有广阔的应用 [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 270: 290-299.
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前景,已成为当今研究的热点之一。本文综述了石 from aqueous solutions by acrylic composite resin chemically modified
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的合成方法及其在油水分离中的应用方面已经取得 A review[J]. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,
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了显著进展,但仍存在一些值得进一步研究的问题 [10] MAULION R V, ABACAN S A, ALLORDE G G, et al. Oil spill
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逐步优化、应用领域也更加广泛,但在材料成型干 [11] GU J C, XIAO P, ZHANG L, et al. Construction of superhydrophilic
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燥的过程中,制备高吸油性能的石墨烯基气凝胶往 purification[J]. RSC Adv, 2016, 6(77): 73399-73403.
往还是离不开传统的超临界干燥和真空冷冻干燥; [12] OLUFEMI B A, OTOLORINT F. Comparative adsorption of crude
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研究主要集中在对轻质纯油品的吸附,而对高黏度 [15] ZHAO D, YU L, LIU D X. Ultralight graphene/carbon nanotubes
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较少,但实际生活中要处理的油品更多的是高黏度 [16] LI N (李娜), FENG Y (封严). Preparation of graphene modified melt-
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若能设计开发具有抗污染性能的石墨烯基气凝胶将 [20] NAIR R R, BLAKE P, GRIGORENKO A N, et al. Fine structure
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