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第 5 期 靳紫梦,等: 超声波处理对大豆蛋白乳液凝胶特性及运载槲皮素性能的影响 ·971·
用和二硫键含量先上升后下降;乳液凝胶的硬度、 and interfacial adsorption of pea proteins[J]. Food Hydrocolloids,
2019, 88: 247-255.
弹性、咀嚼性均有所改善。超声波改性制备大豆分 [15] XI Z W, LIU W, MCCLEMENTS D J, et al. Rheological,structural,
and microstructural properties of ethanol induced cold-set whey
离蛋白乳液凝胶的最佳条件为:超声波功率 400 W, protein emulsion gels: Effect of oil content[J]. Food Chemistry, 2019,
超声波温度 55 ℃,超声波时间 30 min。(2)超声 291: 22-29.
[16] ZHANG M Q, LI J H, SU Y J, et al. Preparation and characterization
波改性处理导致大豆分离蛋白乳液的平均粒径下 of hen egg proteins-soybean protein isolate composite gels[J]. Food
Hydrocolloids, 2019, 97: 105191.
降、ζ-电位绝对值上升、界面蛋白含量上升、表观 [17] ZHU Y Q, CHEN X, MCCLEMENTS D J, et al. pH-, ion- and
黏度下降。(3)经过超声波处理后,大豆分离蛋白 temperature-dependent emulsion gels:Fabricated by addition of
whey protein to gliadin-nanoparticle coated lipid droplets[J]. Food
乳液凝胶的最终 G′提高,形成了更趋近于弹性性质 Hydrocolloids, 2018, 77: 870-878.
[18] MANTOVANI R A, FAZANI C A L, CUNHA R L. Gelation of
的凝胶材料,说明超声波改性能够提升大豆分离蛋 oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by whey protein[J]. Journal of Food
白乳液凝胶的凝胶质构特性,形成更加致密均匀的 Engineering, 2016, 175: 108-116.
[19] CHEN X, MCCLEMENTS D J, WANG J, et al. Coencapsulation of
凝胶网络结构。(4)与天然大豆分离蛋白槲皮素乳 (–)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate and quercetin in particle-stabilized
W/O/W emulsion gels: Controlled release and bioaccessibility[J]. Journal
液凝胶相比,超声波改性处理可以显著提高大豆分 of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(14): 3691- 3699.
[20] CHEN X, MCCLEMENTS D J, ZHU Y Q, et al. Gastrointestinal fate
离蛋白乳液凝胶运载槲皮素的包封率,脂肪酸分解 of fluid and gelled nutraceutical emulsions: Impact on proteolysis,
率和生物利用率。 lipolysis, and quercetin bioaccessibility[J]. Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(34): 9087-9096.
以上实验结果表明,超声波改性是提高大豆分 [21] LIU F, JIANG Y F, DU B J, et al. Design and characterization of
controlled-release edible packaging films prepared with synergistic
离蛋白乳液凝胶性质以及运载特性的可行途径。一 whey-protein polysaccharide complexes[J]. Journal of Agricultural
方面拓宽了乳液凝胶在食品领域的应用,另一方面 and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61(24): 5824-5833.
[22] PARK S, MUN S, KIM Y R, et al. Effect of xanthan gum on lipid
为乳液凝胶功能改进提供了理论基础。 digestion and bioaccessibility of beta-carotene-loaded rice starch-based
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