Page 17 - 《精细化工》2022年第5期
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第 5 期 沈一鸣,等: 天然多糖与纳米材料在皮革无铬鞣制中的研究进展 ·871·
能及综合成本等方面仍存在不足,尚不能完全取代 Production, 2020, 244: 118706.
铬鞣剂,主要存在以下问题: [3] UKHUREBOR K E, AIGBE U O, ONYANCHA R B, et al. Effect of
hexavalent chromium on the environment and removal techniques: A
(1)天然多糖类材料经醛基化改性后应用于鞣 review[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 280:
革,易部分过度氧化成酸,影响其鞣制效果。因此, 111809.
[4] WU B D, YU S Y, ZHANG G Y, et al. Role of complexation in the
photochemical reduction of chromate by acetylacetone[J]. Journal of
基化程度,避免其过度氧化。与此同时,天然多糖 Hazardous Materials, 2020, 400: 123306.
类材料经酸化改性后,往往需要结合一些金属盐才 [5] LIMA C G, MONTEIRO J L, DE MELO LIMA T, et al. Angelica
Lactones: From biomass-derived platform chemicals to value-added
能实现较好的鞣制作用,而金属盐又易导致皮表面 products[J]. ChemSusChem, 2018, 11(1): 25-47.
过鞣,且多数天然多糖鞣剂鞣制后坯革主体颜色偏 [6] RORRER J E, BELL A T, TOSTE F D. Synthesis of biomass-
黄,对于白湿皮的鞣制仍存在技术挑战。此外,相 derived ethers for use as fuels and lubricants[J]. ChemSusChem,
2019, 12(13): 2835-2858.
比于传统铬鞣,其鞣制后成革的丰满性略有不足, [7] JIANG Z C, GAO M, DING W, et al. Selective degradation and
坯革等电点降低,不利于后续工段中阴离子材料的 oxidation of hemicellulose in corncob to oligosaccharides: From
biomass into masking agent for sustainable leather tanning[J].
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 413: 125425.
期研发时,可以尝试引入纳米材料或者改善合成条 [8] SATHISH M, MADHAAN B, SREERAM K J, et al. Alternative
件等以提高鞣制后坯革的丰满度、白度及正电性等。 carrier medium for sustainable leather manufacturing—A review and
perspective[J]. Journal of cleaner production, 2016, 112: 49-58.
(2)纳米复合鞣剂的研究过程中,将 MMT、
MOFs 等纳米材料用于皮革鞣制,与皮胶原的交联 Engineering precision nanoparticles for drug delivery[J]. Nature
度不足,导致胶原纤维松散性较低,不利于后续工 Reviews Drug Discovery, 2021, 20(2): 101-124.
[10] LI Y ( 李运 ). Study of amphoteric vinyl polymer/inorganic
段材料的渗透,仍未达到理想的鞣制效果。后期纳 nanocomposite tanning agent and its modification of collagen
米材料的鞣制重点应着眼于如何与皮胶原上的活性 fiber[D]. Xi'an: Shaanxi University of Science & Technology (陕西
科技大学), 2013.
[11] JIA L, MA J Z, GAO D G, et al. Facile preparation approach of
本身,而在于优化其结构,增加与胶原的作用位点, nanocomposite based on water-soluble polymer and layered double
探究其与胶原的作用机理,致力于提高二者间的共 hydroxides for the enhancement of leather dyeing[J]. Applied Clay
Science, 2018, 152: 22-28.
价交联,而非弱的氢键、静电作用等。后期研发时, [12] GAO D G, WANG P P, SHI J B, et al. A green chemistry approach to
通过调控纳米粒子的尺寸以及分散性,同时配合引 leather tanning process: Cage-like octa (aminosilsesquioxane)
combined with tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulfate[J].
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 229: 1102-1111.
渗透与扩散,进而增加与胶原的作用位点。 [13] HU H Y (胡浩岩), LYU S H (吕生华), LEI Y (雷颖), et al. Synthesis
(3)新型鞣剂材料的研制与其配套工艺的开发 and tanning properties of Fe-based metal organic framework
MIL-53-Fe[J]. Fine Chemicals (精细化工), 2019, 36(5): 963-970.
密不可分,后期可以简化工艺,创新旧工艺,甚至 [14] WANG J C, DU W N, ZHANG Z T, et al. Biomass/polyhedral
颠覆传统工艺,应积极开发适用于无铬鞣剂的工艺 oligomeric silsesquioxane nanocomposites: Advances in preparation
以及后续工序的材料(复鞣剂、加脂剂、染料等), strategies and performances[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,
2020, 138(2): 49641.
形成相对完善的无铬鞣体系,从而在未来完全取代 [15] SOO L B, ABDULLAH M, SOO T B, et al. Polymer nanocomposites
现有铬鞣系统。 based on silylated-montmorillonite: A review[J]. Progress in Polymer
总之,传统皮革行业迫切需要转型升级,实现 Science, 2018, 85: 57-82.
[16] MA J Z, GAO D G, LYU B, et al. Study on PVP/C-MMT
绿色制革、清洁制革,主体阶段在于鞣制的绿色化, nanocomposite material via polymer solution-intercalation
而天然多糖与纳米材料的结合使用,有望减少铬鞣 method[J]. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2007, 22(6):
[17] GAO D G, CHENG Y M, WANG P P, et al. An eco-friendly approach
在新理论、新材料、新技术的带动下定能够顺利解 for leather manufacture based on P(POSS-MAA)-aluminum tanning
决生产需求与环境保护之间的矛盾问题。 agent combination tannage[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020,
257: 120546.
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