Page 34 - 《精细化工》2022年第7期
P. 34
第 39 卷第 7 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.39, No.7
2022 年 7 月 FINE CHEMICALS July 2022
N—Cl 型卤胺抗菌材料紫外稳定性研究进展
万建升,李 红 ,张世豪,闫 俊
(大连工业大学 纺织与材料工程学院,辽宁 大连 116034)
摘要:N—Cl 型卤胺抗菌剂具有高效、快速、稳定、安全、可再生的抗菌性能,由其开发的抗菌材料广泛应
用于医疗卫生、纺织、水过滤等领域。然而,N—Cl 型卤胺抗菌材料在应用过程中受紫外光作用会使材料上
的 N—Cl 键或抗菌剂与材料基质的连接共价键断裂,导致活性氯的含量降低,进而引起其抗菌性能的下降。如
何提高 N—Cl 型卤胺抗菌材料的紫外稳定性受到了国内外学者的重点关注。该文首先阐述了 N—Cl 型卤胺抗菌
剂的种类和造成 N—Cl 型卤胺抗菌材料中活性氯含量降低的因素;然后,综述了通过改变卤胺前驱体结构,引
入纳米 TiO 2 、ZnO、AgCl 无机粒子和有机紫外吸收剂来提高 N—Cl 型卤胺抗菌材料紫外稳定性的研究进展;最
关键词:N—Cl 型卤胺抗菌剂;功能材料;紫外稳定性;氯含量;应用
中图分类号:TB34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 07-1320-10
Research progress on UV stability of N—Cl haloamine
antibacterial materials
WAN Jiansheng, LI Hong , ZHANG Shihao, YAN Jun
(College of Textile & Material Engineering, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian 116034, Liaoning, China)
Abstract: Antibacterial materials developed from N—Cl haloamines are widely used in the fields of
medical health, textile, water filtration etc due to their efficient, rapid, stable, safe, and renewable
antibacterial properties. However, the N—Cl or covalent bonds formed between antibacterial agent and
material matrix could be damaged by UV light, which would result in active chlorine content decrease thus
leading to antibacterial performance decline. Therefore, how to improve the UV stability of N—Cl
halamine antibacterial materials has attracted the attention of scholars worldwide. Herein, types of N—Cl
halamine antibacterial agents and factors influencing active chlorine content decrease were firstly discussed,
followed by summarization of UV stability improvement of N—Cl halogen amines by structure change of
halogen amine precursor and introduction of nano TiO 2, ZnO, AgCl inorganic particles and organic UV
absorbers. In the end, the existing problems and challenges and future development directions were
discussed and prospected.
Key words: N—Cl halamines antimicrobial agents; functional materials; UV stability; chlorine content;
由病原体引起的微生物污染和感染对人类公共 括纳米银、纳米二氧化钛等无机抗菌剂,季铵盐类、
卫生安全产生了不可估量的影响,新型冠状病毒的 季磷盐类等有机抗菌剂以及壳聚糖、甲壳素等天然
爆发凸显了这一问题 。而抗菌剂的使用可以阻断 抗菌剂。尽管这些抗菌剂对病原体均产生抑制效应,
病原体的传播途径,在保护人类健康和改善环境卫 但其使用后抗菌性能逐渐衰竭,导致抗菌功能耐久
生方面发挥重要作用 。现阶段,常用的抗菌剂包 持续性较差 。而卤胺抗菌剂凭借其快速灭活、广
收稿日期:2021-10-26; 定用日期:2022-04-19; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20211095
作者简介:万建升(1998—),男,硕士生,。联系人:李 红(1971—),女,副教授,E-mail:Lihong@。