Page 192 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
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す 40 ࢤす 4 ᱌                             ㇫   ㏳   ࡃ   ጒ                                  Vol.40, No.4
             20 23 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Apr.  2023

                  ✂叓 ȕ-㦎㖇㈃-䚗㯸⮪-⢶ㆠ䚴⏣㯸⮪㏠ㆠㆿၽ⮱

                                        ݣิࣷڣ䉌䒪 Į-⶘䓈䚥

                     ᑍచచ 喑叱   ⁐ 喑䊢⹻⦫ 喑䷉ͦξ 喑䘊ᐧ䯱                                    1,2* 喑݅ӷ᳉      1,2*
                 喍1.  ⇠ࡄ⻾ឭ๔႓  丌৮̻⩌➖႓䮏喑⇠ࡄ  ⴠუᎱ  050000喠2.  ⇠ࡄⰮߌ㘪丌৮ឭᱜ݈᫝͚ᓰ喑⇠ࡄ  ⴠ
                 უᎱ  050000喎
                 ᦅ㺮喟䕇䓴ࣺ⏣ݯڞ↶⋭∂ݣิܧВ⢶ㆠ䚴⏣㯸⮪喍Zein喎࠲೸ Į-⶘䓈䚥喍LA喎ͧڲᵥ喑䚗㯸⮪䚥䧍হ✂叓 ȕ-
                 㦎㖇㈃⮱㒻៶ᓤࣺᏁ㖇व➖喍MC喎ͧใภ⊯ᅯ⮱ LA-Zein-MC ㏠ㆠㆿၽȡݖ⩕ SEMȠFTIRȠXRDȠDSC ᄦ
                 LA-Zein-MC ㏠ㆠㆿၽ䔈㵹γ㶕ᒮ喑Ꭳᄦڣ⽠Ⴧᕔহ㗰㗍䖀὎᠌䔈㵹γ≸䄂ȡ㐀᳉㶕ᬻ喑LA-Zein-MC ㏠ㆠㆿၽ
                 ⮱ᰭҠݣิጒ㞧᲎Уͧ m(Zein)ńm(LA)=25ń1Ƞm(Zein)ńm(MC)=1ń2.4ȡౕ䄒᲎У̸ݣิ⮱ LA-Zein-MC ㏠
                 ㆠㆿၽㆿᒱͧ 235.4 nm喑Zeta ⩢Ѻͧ–32.1 mV喑็ܳ᪐㈨᪝ͧ 0.144喑ᰭ๔࠲ᄮ⢴ͧ 56.17%喑䒪㢜䛼ͧ 0.56%ȡ
                 LA-Zein-MC ㏠ㆠㆿၽᒏ䆹ٶ⏾喑LA 㷘࠲೸ౕ㏠ㆠㆿၽڲ䘕喑䄒㏠ㆠㆿၽڤᰶ䒰倅⮱ NaCl ⽠Ⴧᕔহ☚⽠Ⴧᕔȡ
                 ₑใ喑LA ჋⣝γजᣔ㑀䛷ȡ
                 ͚ఫܳㆨत喟TB383.1喠TS201.1   ᪴⡛ᴴ䃳⴮喟A     ᪴」㑃त喟1003-5214 (2023) 04-0878-09

                          Preparation of oat ȕ-glucan-casein-zein nanoparticles and
                               their encapsulation performance for Į-lipoic acid

                               ZHANG Yuanyuan , HUANG Xin , ZHAO Yijin , YAN Danyun ,
                                             HAO Jianxiong 1,2* , LIU Junguo 1,2*
                 喍1. College of Food Science and Biology, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050000, Hebei,
                 China; 2. Hebei Innovation Centre of Functional Food Technology, Shijiazhuang 050000, Hebei, China喎
                 Abstract: LA-Zein-MC nanoparticles were prepared by anti-solvent co-precipitation with Į-lipoic acid (LA)
                 embedded in zein (Zein) as core and Maillard reaction polymer (MC) of sodium caseinate and oat ȕ-glucan
                 as shell, and characterized by SEM, FTIR, XRD and DSC. The LA-Zein-MC nanoparticles obtained were
                 then tested for stability and drug release performance in simulated gastrointestinal fluid. The results showed
                 that under these optimum preparation conditions of m(Zein)ńm(LA)=25ń1 and m(Zein)ńm(MC)=1ń2.4,
                 the LA-Zein-MC nanoparticles prepared exhibited a particle size of 235.4 nm, Zeta potential of –32.1 mV,
                 polydispersity index  of 0.144, maximal  encapsulation rate  of 56.17%,  and drug loading of  0.56%.
                 Meanwhile, the LA-Zein-MC nanoparticles displayed  a  smooth  morphology with LA embedded in the
                 nanoparticles. Furthermore, the nanoparticles showed  high NaCl stability and thermal stability, and
                 achieved controlled drug slow release.
                 Key words: nanoparticles; Į-lipoic acid; encapsulation; Maillard reaction; zein; food chemicals

                 Į-⶘䓈䚥喍LA喎҉ͧ๖♣⮱ោ⅔ࡃݯᎬ∈⩕λ                        ⫲ᝃ̭ψ̻⺋㏼Ⱕڠ⮱⫲⫴⟣ຯ㚬䘕叨᱕Ƞ᝸㛯⫩
            ⅔ࡃᏁ⓭ᑂ䊤⮱ᱧҀᢌёᕔ⫫⫲ ȡLA ͨ㺮⩞㗍䖀                           ⬈হ☔▩ᙌぶ⮱ϧᲒ䄡喑ᬍ∂㣤ᓄ䋠์⮱ LAȡₑใ喑
            ㏳㣹व᜽Вࣷϻ㩙㤉Ƞ㖶ㆨ͚㣤ᓄ喑ѳᄦᗐᰶ㈃ᅬ                             LA ႅౕⅡ⏣ᕔጛȠ⩌➖ݖ⩕Ꮣѻ⮱䬛䷅ 喑ᄦٶȠ

                 ᩣ⽬ᬒ᱌喟2022-06-10;  Ⴧ⩕ᬒ᱌喟2022-10-09; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220541
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