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第 36 卷第 5 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.5
             201 9 年 5 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 May    2019

                 活性形貌对 CuO/ZnO/Al O 催化加氢反应的影响

                   秦   霏    1,2 ,颜万鑫      1,2 ,纳   薇    1,2* ,叶海船      1,2 ,高文桂       1,2 ,王   华    1,2

                 (1.云南省复杂有色金属资源清洁利用国家重点实验室,云南  昆明    650093;2.昆明理工大学  冶金与能源
                 工程学院,云南  昆明    650093)

                 摘要:以硝酸铜、硝酸锌等为原料,采用沉淀-沉积法制备了载体是介孔 Al 2 O 3 的 CuO/ZnO/Al 2 O 3 催化剂,通过
                 改变焙烧时间可得到不同活性组分形貌(团簇球状和棒状)的催化剂,并用于 CO/CO 2 加氢反应。通过 XRD、
                 BET、N 2 吸附-脱附、TEM、H 2 -TPR、CO 2 -TPD、NH 3 -TPD 和 FTIR 对催化剂进行了表征与测试。结果表明,活
                 性组分(CuO/ZnO)形貌的改变影响了催化剂的 CuO 晶粒尺寸、比表面积、孔径及其还原性能,且对催化剂的
                 成。活性测试结果表明,团簇球状催化剂表现出高甲醇选择性(95.05%)和低 DME 选择性(4.18%);棒状催
                 化剂的产物选择性与团簇球状相反,表现出高 DME 选择性(75.41%)和低甲醇选择性(12.81%)。
                 关键词:介孔 Al 2 O 3 ;CuO/ZnO/Al 2 O 3 催化剂;CO/CO 2 加氢反应;活性组分形貌;产物调控;催化技术
                 中图分类号:O643      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 05-0905-08

               Effect of Active Morphology on Catalytic Hydrogenation of CuO/ZnO/Al 2O 3

                     QIN Fei , YAN Wan-xin , NA Wei  1,2* , YE Hai-chuan , GAO Wen-gui , WANG Hua
                 (1.State Key Laboratory of Complex Nonferrous Metal Resources Clean Utilization in Yunnan Province, Kunming
                 650093, Yunnan, China  ;2.Faculty of Metallurgy and Energy Engineering, Kunming University of Science and
                 Technology, Kunming 650093, Yunnan, China)
                 Abstract:  CuO/ZnO/Al 2O 3  catalysts  with  mesoporous  Al 2O 3  as  support  were  prepared  by  precipitation-
                 deposition  method  using  cupric  nitrate  and  zinc  nitrate  as  raw  materials.  Catalysts  possessing  different
                 active  component  morphologies  (globular  clusters  and  rod-like  structure)  were  obtained  by  changing
                 calcination time and used for CO/CO 2 hydrogenation reaction. The catalysts were characterized and tested
                 by  XRD,  BET,  N 2  adsorption-desorption,  TEM,  H 2-TPR,  CO 2-TPD,  NH 3-TPD  and  FTIR.  The  results
                 showed that the morphology of the active components affects the CuO grain size, specific surface area, pore
                 size and reduction performance of the catalyst and has a great influence on the relative quantity of acid sites
                 and basic sites of the catalysts. The catalyst with globular clusters has high dispersion of active components,
                 easy to reduce, more basic sites and less acid sites, which is favorable for the formation of methanol. While
                 the rod-like catalyst has uneven pores, less basic sites and more acid sites, which is more conducive to the
                 formation of dimethyl ether (DME). The activity test results revealed that the catalyst with globular clusters
                 exhibited  high  methanol  selectivity  (95.05%)  and  low  DME  selectivity  (4.18%).  The  rod-like  catalyst
                 displayed the opposite trend with high DME selectivity (75.41%) and low methanol selectivity (12.81%).
                 Key words: mesoporous Al 2O 3; CuO/ZnO/Al 2O 3  catalysts; CO/CO 2  hydrogenation; morphology of active
                 component; product selective regulation; catalysis technology
                 Foundation  items:  National  Natural  Science  Foundation  of  China  (51404122,  51304099);  National
                 Science and Technology Support Program (2011BAC01B03)

                 收稿日期:2018-09-16;  定用日期:2019-01-16; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180690
                 作者简介:秦   霏(1993—),女,硕士生。联系人:纳   薇(1981—),女,副教授,。
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