Page 176 - 精细化工2019年第8期
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·1664·                            精细化工   FINE CHEMICALS                                  第 36 卷

            附;(3)PP-SA 分子链上有大量—COOH、—CONH 2                        al.  Adsorption  of  copper  ion  with  carbonate  modified  high  water-
                                                  2+     2        absorbing  resin[J].  Modern  Chemical  Industry  (现代化工),  2014,
            及—OH 等亲水性基团,吸水性较强,Cu 及 SO 4
            在水溶液中可形成水合离子,被包裹在水分子中,                                 34(3): 78-81.
                                                               [5]   Zeng  Yiwen  (曾一文), Guo  Juan (郭娟),  Wang  Nong  (王农).  The
            随结合水或自由水吸附于 PP-SA 三维网络结构中,
                                                                   Study on adsorption for copper ion with ethylene diamine tetraacetic
            TG 分析结果也表明有小部分 CuSO 4 的存在。综上,
                                                                   acid modified high water-absorbing resin[J]. Chemical Resrarch and
            PP-SA 对 Cu 的吸附主要通过离子交换、螯合作用                            Application (化学研究与应用), 2017, 29(10): 1498-1504.
            及静电吸引实现,被吸附的铜物种均以 Cu 形式存                           [6]   Ni  Ping  (倪平).  Studies  on  the  cadmium  (II)  adsorption  of  the
            在,与 XPS 分析结果一致。                                        modification  of  cellulose  from  pomelo  peel[D].  Wuhan:  Huazhong
                                                                   Agricultural University (华中农业大学), 2011.
            3    结论                                            [7]   Liu  Jingyong  (刘敬勇),  Huang  Guihong  (黄桂虹),  Deng  Junqiang
                                                                   (邓俊强), et al. Absorbent prepared from waste pomelo peel and its
                 本文系统研究了 PP-SA 对硫酸铜溶液中 Cu                2+        absorbent  of  Pb   in  wasterwater[J].  Journal  of  Ecology  and  Rural
            的吸附行为及机理。                                              Environment (生态与农村环境学报), 2012, 28(2): 187-191.
                 (1)考察了硫酸铜初始质量浓度及吸附时间对                         [8]   Nie Jinxia (聂锦霞), Zhang Dachao (张大超). Study on adsorption
            PP-SA 吸附容量的影响。PP-SA 对 Cu 的吸附容量                         effect of pomelo (Citrus maxima) peel powder containing chromium
                                                                   (Cr )  and  its  adsorptive  kinetic[J].  Journal  of  Anhui  Agricultural
            随 CuSO 4 初始质量浓度的增大先增大后减小,
                                                                   Science (安徽农业科学), 2012, 40(2): 976-977, 1002.
            2000 mg/L 时吸附容量最大,为 199.3 mg/g;吸附容                 [9]   Gong Lei (龚磊), Hu Xiuxia (胡秀霞), Liu Guangbin (刘光斌), et al.
            量随吸附时间的增加而增大,吸附约 6.5  h 达到饱                            Preparation  and  urea  solution  absorbency  and  release  properties of
            和。                                                     pomelo peel powder grafted P(AA-AM) resin[J]. Fine Chemicals (精
                 (2)分别采用吸附等温式和动力学方程对                               细化工), 2016, 33(12): 1327-1331.
            PP-SA 吸附 Cu 过程进行拟合分析,结果表明,平                        [10]  Ning  Zhigang  (宁志刚),  Xu  Kang  (徐康),  Xu  Kun  (徐昆),  et al.
                                                                   Synthesis  and  Cu   absorption  properties  of  poly(AA/IA/MA)
            衡吸附数据满足 Langmuir 吸附等温式,且该吸附过
                                                                   hydrogels[J]. New Chemical Materials (化工新型材料), 2014, 42(3):
                 (3)XPS、TG 表征结果及 PP-SA 网络骨架结
                                                               [11]  Sun  Mengmeng  ( 孙萌萌 ).  Heavy  metal  and  dye  adsorption
            构分析表明,PP-SA 对 Cu 的吸附主要通过离子交                            properties  of  corn  stalks  composite  superabsorbents[D].  Chengdu:
            换、螯合作用及静电吸引实现,被吸附的铜物种以                                 Chengdu University of Technology (成都理工大学), 2014.
            Cu 形式存在,其中有小部分 CuSO 4 。                            [12]  Xu Jihong (徐继红), Xu Shaowei (许少薇), Li Huiling (李慧玲), et
                                                                   al.  Adsorption  performance  of  methylene  blue  LS-g-PAA/AMPS/
            参考文献:                                                  APT Resin[J]. Fine Chemicals (精细化工), 2016, 33(5): 497-503.
            [1]   Liu Lin (柳琳), Xia Qiang (夏嫱). Research progress about the effect   [13]  Neelesh  B  S,  Shryti  R,  Giridhar  M.  Swelling  and  dye-adsorption
                 of  copper  pollution  on  the  growth  and  reproduction  of  insects[J].   characteristics of an amphoteric superabsobent polymer[J]. Industrial
                 Journal  of  Environmental  Entomology  (环境昆虫工程学报),  2016,   & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51: 14941-14948.
                 38(2): 451-456.                               [14]  Wu  Xiaoxia  (吴肖霞),  Yu  Qiang  (余强),  Yao  Xiaojiang  (姚小江).
            [2]   Lin  Aijun  (林爱军),  Wang  Fenghua  (王凤化), Xie Wenjuan (谢文  Evolution of CuO x/CeO 2 catalysts and its effect on CO oxidation in
                 娟),  et al.  A  review  of  phytotoxicity  of  soil  contaminated  with   H 2-rich gases[J]. Journal of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths (中国
                 copper[J].  Journal  of  Anhui  Agricultural  Science  (安徽农业科学),   稀土学报), 2013, 31(3): 181-189.
                 2011, 39(35): 21740-21742, 21847              [15]  Ji  Junhui  (季君晖).  Behaviors  and  mechanism  chitosan  adsorption
            [3]   Singh  T,  Singhal  R.  Poly(acrylic  acid/acrylamide/sodium  humate)   Cu   in  solution[J].  Ion  Exchange  and  Adsorption  (离子交换与吸
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                 humate concentration[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012,   [16]  Zhang  Yong  (张勇).  Study  on  the  preparation  of  chitosan/ploy
                 125(2): 1267-1283.                                (SSS-HEMA-AA)  hydrogel  and  its  adsorption  property  for  copper
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