Page 220 - 精细化工2019年第8期
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第 36 卷第 8 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.8
             201 9 年 8 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Aug.    2019


                          刘   佳,廉明明,王晓芳,任一冉,欧阳睿博,唐淑坤
                                   (哈尔滨医科大学大庆校区  药学院,黑龙江  大庆    163319)

                 摘要:以聚乙二醇 1500 为起始原料,经两步官能团转化得到双叠氮基聚乙二醇(N 3 -PEG 1500 -N 3 ),该中间体经
                 子峰的液相积分面积比例)进行评价。利用单因素实验,确定氨基叠氮聚乙二醇(NH 2 -PEG 1500 -N 3 )最佳液液
                 两相反应条件如下:N 3 -PEG 1500 -N 3 与三苯基膦的物质的量比为 1.0∶1.1,有机相为 V(甲苯)∶V(二氯甲烷)=3∶2
                 的混合溶液,水相为 2.0 mol/L 盐酸溶液,两相体积比 1∶1,35  ℃下反应 12 h,经柱分离提纯得 NH 2 -PEG-N 3 ,
                 收率 72%,单侧叠氮基还原选择性达 97%。实验结果表明,该法制备 NH 2 -PEG 1500 -N 3 具有纯度高、方法简便等
                 特点。产物经 HNMR、 CNMR、IR 和 HRMS 进行结构确证。利用 NH 2 -PEG-N 3 实现了叠氮封端功能化磷脂的
                 中图分类号:TQ325.6      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 08-1708-07

                                Preparation of Azide Amino Polyethylene Glycol

                  LIU Jia, LIAN Ming-ming, WANG Xiao-fang, REN Yi-ran, OUYANG Rui-bo, TANG Shu-kun
                        (College of Pharmacy, Harbin Medical University-Daqing, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China)

                 Abstract:  Diazide  polyethylene  glycol  (N 3-PEG 1500-N 3)  was  obtained  by  two-step  functional  group
                 transformation  using  polyethylene  glycol  1500  as  starting  material.  The  intermediate  was  reduced  by
                 organic phase and terminated by aqueous phase to achieve unilateral reduction of diazo group. The reaction
                 selectivity  and  conversion  rate  was  evaluated  by  liquid  chromatography-mass  spectrometry  (LC-MS)
                 (liquid-phase integral area ratio of representative excimer ion peaks in components). The optimum liquid-
                 liquid two-phase reaction conditions for the unilateral amino azide polyethylene glycol (NH 2-PEG 1500-N 3)
                 were obtained by single factor test as follows: molar ratio of N 3-PEG 1500-N 3 to triphenylphosphine oxide
                 1.0∶1.1, mixture solvent of toluene and dichloromethane with a volume ratio of 3∶2 as organic phase,
                 2 mol/L hydrochloric acid solution as aqueous phase, volume ratio of organic phase to aqueous phase 1∶1,
                 reaction  time  12  hours  and  reaction  temperature  35  ℃.  The  yield  of  NH 2-PEG 1500-N 3 was 72% after
                 column separation and purification, and the selectivity of unilateral reduction of diazo group was 97%. The
                 results show  that NH 2-PEG 1500-N 3  prepared  by  this  method  has  a  characteristics  of  high  purity,  simple
                 method  and  tolerance.  The  product  was  characterized  by  HNMR  , CNMR,  IR  and  HRMS.  Finally,
                 NH 2-PEG 1500-N 3 was used to synthesize azide-terminated functionalized phospholipid.
                 Key words: polyethylene glcol 1500; HRMS; amino azide polyethylene glycol; liquid-liquid two phase;
                 phospholipid; fine chemical intermediates

                 聚乙二醇(Polyethylene  glycol,PEG)是一类             子在生物体内长循环的性质,被广泛应用于医药、
            重要的生物相容性寡聚分子,因其具有增加纳米粒                             化工等领域     [1-3] 。聚乙二醇及其衍生物在生物医药领

                 收稿日期:2019-06-03;  定用日期:2019-07-03; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190502
                 作者简介:刘   佳(1989—),女,助教,硕士,。联系人:唐淑坤(1992—),女,助教,硕士,
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