Page 155 - 《精细化工》2020年第11期
P. 155
第 37 卷第 11 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.37, No.11
2020 年 11 月 FINE CHEMICALS Nov. 2020
制备 CS-Ca -SAL 中空凝胶球及
翁文婷,谢晓兰 ,杨建梅,孙丽丹
(泉州师范学院 化工与材料学院,福建 泉州 362000)
摘要:将海藻酸钠溶液(SAL)滴入壳聚糖-钙(CS-Ca )分散溶液中,海藻酸钠与壳聚糖分子链之间发生物理
交联的同时,也与钙离子进行同步交联,可一步制备毫米级壳聚糖-钙-海藻酸钠(CS-Ca -SAL)水凝胶球。通
点为标记物,考察凝胶球的溶胀性能和缓释性能。结果表明,凝胶球在中性水溶液中(pH = 6.8)12 h 溶胀率可达
2609%,并能保持完整球形结构。溶胀性能受到 pH 的影响显著,处于 pH=1.2 的溶液体系中溶胀率最小,处于
pH=6.8 溶液环境中溶胀率最大。荧光凝胶球在 pH=7.1 的 Tris-HCl 缓冲液中的释放实验结果表明,对碳纳米点
的释放模型符合 Hixon-crowell 溶蚀方程,说明凝胶球的缓释机制以溶蚀为主,扩散为辅。
中图分类号:O648.17; TQ619.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 11-2301-08
Preparation of CS-Ca -SAL hollow hydrogel spheres and
their release behaviors for carbon nanodots
WENG Wenting, XIE Xiaolan , YANG Jianmei, SUN Lidan
(College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Quanzhou Normal University, Quanzhou 362000, Fujian, China)
Abstract: When sodium alginate (SAL) solution was dropped into chitosan-calcium (CS-Ca ) dispersion
solution, the physical cross-linking between sodium alginate and the molecular chain of chitosan was also
synchronous cross-linking with calcium ions. Millimeter-scale chitosan-calcium-sodium alginate(CS-Ca -SAL)
hydrogel spheres were prepared by one step method. The hollow hydrogel spheres with smooth surface,
uniform shell and compact surface could be prepared by adjusting the proportion of raw material, drop
acceleration and mode. The swelling and sustained release properties of hydrogel spheres were investigated
by using fluorescent carbon nanodots as label. The results showed that the swelling rate of the hydrogel
spheres was up to 2609% in neutral aqueous solution (pH = 6.8) after 12 h, and the hydrogel spheres
remained intact spherical structure.The swelling property of the hydrogel spheres was significantly affected
by pH. The swelling rate of the hydrogel spheres was the smallest when the pH of solution was 1.2, and that
was the largest at pH=6.8. The experimental results of release rate of fluorescent carbon nanodots hydrogel
spheres in pH=7.1 Tris-HCl buffer solution indicated that the release mechanism of carbon nanodots was
fitted well with Hixcon-crowell dissolution equation, indicating that the sustained release mechanism of
hydrogel spheres was dominated by dissolution and supplemented by diffusion.
Key words: sodium alginate; chitosan; calcium ions; hydrogel spheres; fluorescent carbon nanodots; drug
and cosmetic materials
收稿日期:2020-05-18; 定用日期:2020-07-28; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200415