Page 203 - 《精细化工》2020年第3期
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第 3 期 王学川,等: 超支化聚合物改性明胶胶粘剂的制备及性能 ·621·
从图 7a 可看出,纯明胶的接触角为 58.8°,加入 Biosynthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite and its
composite (hydroxyapatite- gelatin-chitosan-fibrin-bone ash) for
EHPAE 和 SDS 后接触角分别为 65.7°和 74.2°,对比之 bone tissue engineering applications[J]. International Journal of
Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 129: 844-852.
后可以发现,制备得到的胶粘剂(88.2°)的水接触角 [10] ZHANG L, XUE J, ZHENG L J, et al. Pullulan dialdehyde
crosslinked gelatin hydrogels with high strength for biomedical
均大于市售胶粘剂(84.8°),即疏水性均优于市售胶。 applications[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 216: 45-53.
[11] İNAL M, MÜlazımoğlu G. Production and characterization of
从图 7b 可看出,EHPAE-Ⅲ改性胶粘剂的接触角最大, bactericidal wound dressing material based on gelatin nanofiber[J].
这是因为 EHPAE-Ⅲ的交联点多,可与明胶分子链上 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 137: 392-
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active furcellaran-gelatin films containing green or pu-erh tea
明胶分子链上的亲水基团减少,从而提高其疏水性。 extracts: Characterization, antioxidant and antimicrobial potential[J].
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并且对其环氧值进行测定,发现其均有较好的性能, monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus on cheese[J]. Food
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改性制备得到的胶粘剂,对其进行应用实验后发现: [19] PRIYA, SHARMA A K, Kaith B S, et al. RSM-CCD optimized
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EHPAE-Ⅲ的综合性能最优,其固含量为 30.33%, effective removal of biebrich scarlet and crystal violet dyes[J].
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含量为 22.84%,剪切强度为 1.868 MPa,T-剥离强 fusariumsolani on potato[J]. International Journal of Biological
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