Page 216 - 《精细化工》2020年第6期
P. 216
第 37 卷第 6 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.37, No.6
202 0 年 6 月 FINE CHEMICALS June 2020
超支化含苯基聚硅氧烷亲 CO 特性及分子模拟
陈 睿,范 宏
(浙江大学 化学工程与生物工程学院 聚合与聚合物工程研究所 化学工程联合国家重点实验室,浙江 杭
州 310027)
摘要:通过水解缩聚法制备了含有不同苯基含量的超支化聚硅氧烷,考察了苯基的引入对超支化聚合物在 CO 2
中溶解性能的影响。浊点压力测试得出,苯基的引入在超支化结构中对聚合物在 CO 2 中的溶解度影响不大,超
支化聚合物中苯基含量的增加没有导致浊点压力的明显升高,有望实现作为 CO 2 增稠剂兼具较好的溶解度和增
稠性能。分子模拟计算分析了超支化聚硅氧烷和直链聚硅氧烷与 CO 2 分子间的相互作用以及超支化聚硅氧烷分
弱的聚合物分子间相互作用,有利于超支化有机硅氧烷在 CO 2 体系中的溶解。
关键词:超支化聚硅氧烷;CO 2 亲和性;CO 2 增稠剂;分子模拟;油田化学品
中图分类号:O631.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 06-1282-07
CO 2-philic properties of hyperbranched phenyl-containing
polysiloxanes with molecular simulation
CHEN Rui, FAN Hong
(State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Polymer and Polymerization Engineering, College of
Chemical and Biological Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang, China)
Abstract: Hyperbranched polysiloxanes with different phenyl contents were prepared by hydrolytic
polycondensation. The effect of phenyl on the solubility of hyperbranched polymers in CO 2 was
investigated. The cloud point pressure test showed that the introduction of phenyl in hyperbranched
structure had little effect on the solubility of polymer in CO 2, while the increase of phenyl content in
hyperbranched polymer did not cause a significant increase of cloud point pressure, which is expected to
achieve good solubility and thickening performance as a CO 2 thickener. The interaction between
hyperbranched polysiloxane, linear polysiloxane and CO 2 molecules, as well as the interaction between
hyperbranched polysiloxane molecules were calculated and analyzed by molecular simulation calculation.
The results showed that the hyperbranched phenyl-containing polysiloxanes possessed lower cohesive
energy density (CED) and solubility parameter (δ), and exhibited a weaker intermolecular interaction of
polymers, which is beneficial to the dissolution of hyperbranched polysiloxane in CO 2.
Key words: hyperbranched polysiloxane; CO 2-philic properties; CO 2 thickener; molecular simulation; oil
field chemicals
超临界二氧化碳具有无毒环保、廉价易得、安 张力低,容易进入岩层中,储层不易受到污染,非
全不易燃、溶解能力强等优点,且超临界状态容易 常适用于非常规油气资源的开采。中国拥有十分丰
达到(p=7.38 MPa,θ=31.06 ℃),常作为溶剂用于 富的非常规油气资源,大力开发非常规油气资源有
化学反应、萃取分离等过程中 [1-5] 。近年来,超临界 利于调整中国能源供需关系 。由于超临界二氧化
二氧化碳作为压裂液在石油气藏开采中的应用得到 碳黏度极低,在开采过程中易出现携砂效率低、造
广泛关注 [4,6-10] 。超临界二氧化碳扩散系数大、表面 缝质量差、滤失较大等现象,影响开采效率 [11-12] 。
收稿日期:2020-01-17; 定用日期:2020-03-17; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200053
作者简介:陈 睿(1994—),女,硕士生。联系人:范 宏(1963—),男,教授,博士生导师,。