Page 73 - 《精细化工》2020年第9期
P. 73
第 37 卷第 9 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.37, No.9
202 0 年 9 月 FINE CHEMICALS Sept. 2020
芘-邻香兰素类 Cu(Ⅱ)荧光传感器的制备及其性能
刘媛媛 ,张景意 ,潘学春 ,李 壹
(1. 东南大学 成贤学院 制药与化学工程学院,江苏 南京 210088;2. 南京工业大学 食品与轻工学院,
江苏 南京 211816)
摘要:采用芘为荧光基团、肼为连接臂,根据席夫碱反应,制备芘-邻香兰素类 Cu(Ⅱ)荧光传感器(TM),其结
构经熔点、 HNMR、 CNMR、IR、MS 和元素分析表征。TM 在乙腈体系中对 Cu(Ⅱ)有很好的紫外、荧光和比
色响应,响应时间为 12 min,不受其他金属离子干扰且对 Cu(Ⅱ)的识别可视、可逆。通过荧光滴定法计算出 TM
对 Cu(Ⅱ)的检出限为 0.48 μmol/L。TM 具有桔黄色的固体荧光,但其乙腈溶液荧光很弱,通过对比加水或 Cu(Ⅱ)
的荧光强度,结合紫外和荧光滴定光谱以及量子化学计算,探讨了 TM 的聚集诱导发光(AIE)识别机理。TM
可用于自来水中 Cu(Ⅱ)的检测,回收率为 91.2%~107.3%,相对误差为 6.3%~8.8%。高选择性和对 Cu(Ⅱ)的快速
响应使 TM 有望成为 AIE 型荧光传感器,用于实际样品中 Cu(Ⅱ)的检测。
中图分类号:O652;X832 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 09-1787-06
Preparation and properties of pyrene-o-vanillin Cu(Ⅱ) fluorescence sensor
LIU Yuanyuan , ZHANG Jingyi , PAN Xuechun , LI Yi
(1. College of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering, Southeast University Chengxian College, Nanjing 210088,
Jiangsu, China; 2. College of Food Science and Light Industry, Nanjing Tech. University, Nanjing 211816, Jiangsu,
Abstract: A novel pyrene-o-vanillin Cu(Ⅱ) fluorescence sensor TM was prepared with pyrene as
fluorophore and hydrazine as linker by Schiff base reaction. Its structure was characterized by melting point,
1 HNMR, CNMR, IR, MS and elemental analysis. Sensor TM had good UV, fluorescence and colorimetric
response to Cu(Ⅱ) in acetonitrile system with response time of 12 min. Moreover, sensor TM was not
interfered by other metal ions and could recognize Cu(Ⅱ) visually and reversibly. The detection limit of
TM to Cu(Ⅱ) was calculated to be 0.48 μmol/L by fluorescence titration method. Sensor TM had orange
solid fluorescence. However, it showed a very weak fluorescence in acetonitrile solution. By comparing the
fluorescence intensity after adding water or Cu(Ⅱ), the aggregation-induced emission (AIE) recognition
mechanism of TM was discussed under the aid of UV and fluorescence titration spectra as well as quantum
chemical calculation. Sensor TM could be used for the detection of Cu(Ⅱ) in tap water with a recovery of
91.2%~107.3%, and relative error of 6.3%~8.8%. High selectivity and rapid response of TM to Cu(Ⅱ)
make it as a new AIE-type fluorescence sensor for the detection of Cu (Ⅱ) in actual samples.
Key words: pyrene-o-vanillin; Cu(Ⅱ) sensor; fluorescence properties; aggregation-induced emission (AIE)
mechanism; quantum chemical calculation; functional materials
铜既是人体不可缺少的微量元素,也是环境中 该传感器在水溶液中对 Cu(Ⅱ)有较好的选择性,检
不可忽视的重要污染物 [1-2] 。20 世纪 90 年代末,首 测范围 0~0.1 μmol/L。近年来,已陆续开发出一些
个基于羧酸衍生物的 Cu(Ⅱ)荧光传感器被报道 , Cu(Ⅱ)荧光传感器 [4-7] ,例如:GOSWAMI 等 设计
收稿日期:2020-03-04; 定用日期:2020-05-11; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200164
作者简介:刘媛媛(1985—),女,博士,副教授,。联系人:李 壹(1982—),男,博士,