Page 130 - 《精细化工》2021年第12期
P. 130
第 38 卷第 12 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.38, No.12
2021 年 12 月 FINE CHEMICALS Dec. 2021
李 辉,冷莹梦,郑博英,张 健,吴正德,邱祖民
(南昌大学 资源环境与化工学院,江西 南昌 330000)
摘要:采用阳离子交换树脂催化八甲基环四硅氧烷(D 4 )、四甲基四氢环四硅氧烷(D 4 H)和三氟丙基三甲基环
三硅氧烷(D 3 F)开环共聚,以四甲基二乙烯基二硅氧烷(D 2 )为封端剂,制备了低黏度自交联氟氢乙烯基硅
油(F-PMHS)。探讨了聚合温度、聚合时间、催化剂用量、催化剂循环等因素对聚合反应的影响。通过 FTIR、
1 HNMR、TGA 对共聚物进行分析。结果表明,当聚合温度为 60 ℃、反应时间为 6 h、催化剂用量为总单体质
量 5%时,得到的 F-PMHS 产率为 88.69%,黏度为 32.7 mPa·s。将硅油进行涂膜测试,所得涂膜固化性好,剥
离力低至 7 g/25 mm,水滴静态接触角达 114.9°。
中图分类号:TQ316.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 12-2492-06
Synthesis and application of low viscosity and self-crosslinking
fluorohydrovinyl silicone oil
LI Hui, LENG Yingmeng, ZHENG Boying, ZHANG Jian, WU Zhengde, QIU Zumin
(School of Resources, Environmental & Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330000, Jiangxi, China)
Abstract: Low viscosity and self-crosslinking fluorohydrovinyl silicone oil (F-PMHS) was prepared by
ring-opening copolymerization of octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane (D 4), 2,4,6,8-tetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane
(D 4H) and 1,3,5-tris (3,3,3-trifluoropropyl) methylcyclotrisiloxane (D 3F) in the catalytic amount presence of
cation exchange resin using 1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-1,3-divinyldisiloxane (D 2 ) end-capping agent. The effects
of polymerization temperature, polymerization time, catalyst dosage and cycling times of catalyst on the
polymerization reaction were studied. The copolymers were characterized by FTIR, HNMR and TGA. The
results showed that under the conditions of polymerization temperature of 60 ℃, polymerization time of 6
h and catalyst dosage being 5% of the total mass of monomers, the yield of F-PMHS was 88.69% and the
viscosity was 32.7 mPa·s. F-PMHS coating test indicated that the coating had good curing property, the
peeling force was as low as 7 g/25 mm, and the static contact angle of water droplets reached 114.9°.
Key words: low viscosity; self-crosslinking; fluorohydrovinyl silicone oil; ring-opening polymerization;
coating curing; functional materials
硅油通常指室温下保持液体状态的线型聚硅氧 黏合剂印刷的织物与传统织物相比具有更高的产色
烷(Si—O—Si 结构),最常用的硅油有机基团全部 率、更好的色牢度和刚度。BHUVANESWARI 等 研
为甲基,称为甲基硅油 [1-2] 。而氟硅油是侧链中含有 究了氟硅橡胶和硅橡胶的弹性体混合物性能,结果
氟烃基基团。在有机高聚物中引入氟原子,可提高 显示,氟硅橡胶混合物对低温脆性具有良好的抵抗
聚硅氧烷分子的稳定性 。氟烃基改性后的硅油兼 力,可用作航空燃料系统的密封。
具耐油、耐溶剂、耐化学药品等特性,因而被应用 三氟丙基(—CH 2 CH 2 CF 3 )是目前最为常用的
于多个领域 [4-5] 。JIANG 等 用氟硅酮改性聚丙烯酸 氟烃基改性基团,其引入的方法根据反应类型可分
酯黏合剂作为涤纶织物上分散染料,发现用改性后 为硅氢加成反应、水解缩聚反应、环体开环聚合反
收稿日期:2021-03-29; 定用日期:2021-07-23; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20210327
作者简介: 李 辉(1996—),男,硕士生,。联系人:邱祖民(1963—),男,教授,。