Page 141 - 《精细化工》2021年第8期
P. 141
第 38 卷第 8 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.38, No.8
202 1 年 8 月 FINE CHEMICALS Aug. 2021
Lewis 酸协同催化
史雨生,宋靖修,张铁欣 ,段春迎
(大连理工大学 精细化工国家重点实验室,辽宁 大连 116024)
摘要:利用水热法将具有 Lewis 酸性的 Mg 和光敏性的三苯胺三羧酸(H 3 TCA)自组装构筑了金属有机框架
Mg-TCA,并通过 SC-XRD 表征了其晶体结构。UV-Vis、FL、CV 等测试表明,Mg-TCA 在可见光区(>400 nm)
具有良好的吸收,其激发态氧化还原电位为–1.95 V(vs. SCE)。以苯乙烯类化合物(0.2 mmol)为底物、N-羟
基邻苯二甲酰亚胺(NHPI)活性酯(0.3 mmol)为自由基前体、Mg-TCA(0.01 mmol)为催化剂、DMSO(2 mL)
为溶剂和氧化剂,氮气保护,在 405 nm LED 下照射 24 h,反应以 30%~82%的产率生成相应的 α-烷基苯乙酮。
催化剂 Mg-TCA 循环使用 2 次后仍保持活性和晶态结构。机理研究表明,在反应过程中发生了光/Lewis 酸协同
催化,Mg-TCA 中具有 Lewis 酸性的镁节点对 NHPI 活性酯的吸附作用拉近了其与光催化中心三苯胺的距离,
关键词:金属有机框架;镁;三苯胺;光摧化;Lewis 酸;协同催化
中图分类号:TQ244.2;TQ426 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 08-1635-09
Preparation of magnesium-triphenylamine based metal organic framework
and its synergistic Lewis acid and photoredox catalysis
SHI Yusheng, SONG Jingxiu, ZHANG Tiexin , DUAN Chunying
(State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, China)
Abstract: Metal organic framework Mg-TCA was constructed by hydrothermal self-assembly between
Lewis acidic Mg and photosensitive tricarboxytriphenyl amine (H 3TCA). SC-XRD was used to determine
the crystal structure of Mg-TCA. CV, UV-Vis and FL measurements indicated that Mg-TCA had a good
absorption ability in visible light region and its photoexcited redox potential was –1.95 V (vs. SCE).
Mg-TCA could effectively allow access to a wide range of α-alkyl-acetophenones (30%~82%) under the
synergistic Lewis acid and photoredox catalysis, and the reaction conditions was obtained as follows:
styrene compounds (0.2 mmol), N-hydroxyphthalimide (NHPI) ester (0.3 mmol), Mg-TCA (0.01 mmol),
DMSO (2 mL), irradiation under 405 nm LED for 24 h at N 2 atmosphere. The catalyst could be reused for
two times without deactivation, and its structure remained intact before and after use. Mechanism studies
revealed that a synergistic Lewis acid and photoredox catalysis process was carried out within this
transformation, the Lewis acidic nodes of Mg-TCA binded and absorbed NHPI ester, putting the NHPI ester
approximate to the photoredox catalytic center within Mg-TCA, thus improving the catalytic efficiency.
Key words: metal organic framework; magnesium; triphenylaniline; photocatalysis; Lewis acid; synergistic
光催化利用光敏剂与底物之间的光致电子或能 量转移,可以在温和条件下实现很多在热反应过程
收稿日期:2021-03-08; 定用日期:2021-04-02; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20210240
作者简介:史雨生(1991—),男,博士生,E-mail:。联系人:张铁欣(1983—),男,副教授,E-mail: zhangtiexin@。