Page 206 - 《精细化工》2022年第8期
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第 39 卷第 8 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.39, No.8
             2022 年 8 月                              FINE CHEMICALS                                 Aug.  2022


                                  纪   宽,王春晖,贾伟娜,姜晓辉,于良民
                          (中国海洋大学  海洋化学理论与工程技术教育部重点实验室,山东  青岛  266100)

                 摘要:以微量(摩尔分数 0.05%)辣素衍生单体 N-(2-羟基-3-甲基丙烯酰胺-4,5-二甲基苄基)丙烯酰胺(HMMAM)
                 烷基酯为原料,采用无助溶剂的无皂乳液聚合方式共聚合成了新型疏水缔合共聚物 PACIAM 和 PACSAM。采用
                 FTIR、 HNMR、TGA、SEM 对其结构和形貌进行了表征,探讨了共聚物的疏水缔合特性、耐温耐盐性、溶解
                 性及缓蚀性能。结果表明,PACIAM 和 PACSAM 存在稳定的三维网状结构,对应的临界缔合浓度分别为 4.5 和
                 4.0 g/L。质量浓度 10 g/L 的 PACIAM 和 PACSAM 溶液在 30  ℃下表观黏度分别可达 776 和 1224 mPa·s,90  ℃下
                 表观黏度保留率分别为 37.57%和 41.44%,在质量浓度为 10 g/L 的 NaCl 溶液中的表观黏度保留率分别为 37.57%
                 和 42.12%。PACIAM 和 PACSAM 溶解时间分别为 25 和 27 min。质量浓度 4 g/L 的共聚物溶液的缓蚀效率可达
                 96.76%和 97.28%,微量 HMMAM 的引入大大增加了共聚物的各项性能。
                 中图分类号:TE357      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 08-1706-11

                      Synthesis and properties of hydrophobic associating copolymers
                                      containing capsaicin derived moieties

                              JI Kuan, WANG Chunhui, JIA Weina, JIANG Xiaohui, YU Liangmin
                 (Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory  and Technology,  Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China,
                 Qingdao 266100, Shangdong, China)

                 Abstract: New hydrophobic associating copolymers PACIAM and PACSAM were prepared by soap-free
                 emulsion  polymerization using trace (mole fraction 0.05%) capsaicin  derived monomer
                 N-[2-hydroxyl-3-acryl amino methyl-4,5-dimethylbenzyl]acrylamide (HMMAM)  as functional monomer,
                 and acrylamide, 1-morpholinoprop-2-en-1-one, 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid, isobornyl
                 methacrylate or octadecyl  methacrylate as raw materials. The structure and morphology  of synthesized
                 copolymers were characterized by FTIR,  HNMR, TGA and SEM, followed by evaluation on hydrophobic
                 association characteristics, temperature and salt  resistance, solubility and  corrosion inhibition.
                 Characterization results indicated that both were in stable three-dimensional network structure. Performance
                 evaluation data showed that, the critical association concentrations of PACIAM and PACSAM were 4.5 and
                 4.0 g/L respectively with apparent viscosity at mass concentration of 10 g/L reached up to 776 and 1224
                 mPa·s at 30  ℃, which demonstrated improved hydrophobicity with HMMAM added. Moreover, influence
                 of temperature on apparent viscosity retention rates displayed that PACIAM and PACSAM at 90  ℃ still
                 had corresponding apparent viscosity retention rates of 37.57% and 41.44%, indicating better temperature
                 resistance. The dissolution time of PACIAM and PACSAM was 25 and 27 min, respectively. The corrosion
                 inhibition efficiency of copolymer solutions at mass concentration 4 g/L could reach 96.76% and 97.28%.
                 All these proved that introduction of trace HMMAM greatly enahnced the properties of copolymers.
                 Key words: copolymer; soap-free emulsion polymerization; capsaicin; hydrophobic association; solubility;
                 corrosion resistance; oilfield chemicals

                 收稿日期:2022-02-21;  定用日期:2022-04-06; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220147
                 作者简介:纪   宽(1997—),男,硕士生,。联系人:于良民(1964—),男,教授,。
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