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第 40 卷第 1 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.40, No.1
             2 023 年 1 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Jan.  2023

                             银掺杂氮化碳负载 Pd 催化剂的制备


                           王雨生,夏媛玉,裴瑜洁,解品红,李   芳 ,李其明
                                    (辽宁石油化工大学  石油化工学院,辽宁  抚顺  113001)

                 摘要:以高温煅烧硝酸银预修饰的三聚氰胺为前驱体得到银掺杂氮化碳(Ag x C 3 N 4 ,x 为硝酸银质量占三聚氰胺
                 质量的百分数,下同)载体,并采用浸渍还原法制备了 Ag x C 3 N 4 负载 Pd 催化剂(Ag x C 3 N 4 -Pd),考察其对甲酸
                 制氢反应的催化活性。采用 XRD、TEM、EDS 和 XPS 对载体及催化剂的活性组分进行了表征与测定。结果表
                 载体的晶相结构和微观形貌。Ag x C 3 N 4 -Pd 在甲酸分解制氢中展现了良好的催化活性,Ag 3% C 3 N 4 -Pd 在 323 K 甲
                 酸分解转换频率(TOF 值)可达 991 h ,明显高于未经银掺杂氮化碳负载的 C 3 N 4 -Pd-Ag 3% (656 h )。同时,
                 Ag 3% C 3 N 4 -Pd 在 5 次循环操作中催化活性没有出现明显下降,其在甲酸制氢中具有良好的实用性。
                 中图分类号:TQ116.2;O643.36      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 01-0117-07

                     Preparation of Pd-based catalyst supported on silver-doped carbon
                       nitride and its catalytic activity in formic acid dehydrogenation

                          WANG Yusheng, XIA Yuanyu, PEI Yujie, XIE Pinhong, LI Fang , LI Qiming
                    (School of Petrochemical Engineering, Liaoning Petrochemical University, Fushun 113001, Liaoning, China)
                 Abstract:  Highly active Pd-based catalysts  supported by  silver-doped carbon nitride  (Ag xC 3N 4,  x is the
                 mass ratio of silver nitrate to melamine, the same below) (Ag xC 3N 4-Pd) were synthesized via impregnation
                 reduction method with Ag xC 3N 4 as substrate, which was prepared by high temperature calcination of silver
                 nitrate pre-modified melamine  precursors, and then evaluated  on their catalytic activity for  hydrogen
                 production  of formic acid decomposition. The carriers and the  active components of catalyst were
                 characterized by XRD, TEM, EDS and XPS. The results showed that Ag was successfully doped into the
                 bulk of C 3N 4 with the crystallographic structure and microstructure of C 3N 4 modified. Ag xC 3N 4-Pd exhibited
                 good catalytic activity in formic acid decomposition for hydrogen generation. The turnover frequency (TOF
                 value) of the optimized Ag 3%C 3N 4-Pd catalyst could reach up to 991 h  at 323 K, significantly higher than
                 that of C 3N 4-Pd-Ag 3%  (656 h )   without Ag doping. Meanwhile, Ag 3%C 3N 4-Pd did not  show obvious
                 decrease in catalytic activity after recycled five times, indicating good practicability in hydrogen production
                 from formic acid.
                 Key words: carbon nitride; formic acid; silver doping; catalyst; hydrogen production; catalysis technology

                 当前,石油、煤炭等不可再生资源的大量使用                          缓 [1-3] 。氢能作为一种清洁能源备受瞩目,氢能技术
            不仅造成化石能源的日益枯竭,而且导致 CO 2 等温                         发展的关键之一是氢气的储存 。储氢材料可分为
            室气体的大量排放,因此,开发清洁新能源刻不容                             物理储氢材料和化学储氢材料,物理储氢材料包括

                 收稿日期:2022-04-20;  定用日期:2022-08-04; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220374
                 指导项目(2019- ZD-0058)
                 作者简介: 王雨生(1998—),男,硕士生,。联系人:李   芳(1978—),女,副教授,;
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