Page 29 - 《精细化工》2023年第1期
P. 29
第 40 卷第 1 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.40, No.1
20 23 年 1 月 FINE CHEMICALS Jan. 2023
刘 涛,芮婷苇,朱锦琦,申 栋,游亦文
(南京工程学院 环境工程学院,江苏 南京 211167)
中图分类号:TQ424;X52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 01-0021-12
Research progress on ordered porous materials as sorbents
for phosphate removal from water
LIU Tao, RUI Tingwei, ZHU Jinqi, SHEN Dong, YOU Yiwen
(School of Environmental Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, Jiangsu, China)
Abstract: Excess phosphorus discharge into water body leads to environmental problems such as
eutrophication. Adsorption method has been extensively used in phosphate removal from water due to its
advantages of economy, convenience, and efficiency. Ordered porous materials, with the characteristics of
regular channels, large specific surface area and large pore volume, can effectively improve the dispersity of
active species when being used as carrier, thus improve the phosphate removal efficiency of adsorbents.
Herein, recent progress on ordered porous materials, especially ordered porous carbon materials, ordered
porous silicon materials and metal organic frameworks, as sorbents for phosphate removal from water was
summarized. The phosphate adsorption performance, main adsorption mechanism, influence factors, and
recycle of adsorbents based on ordered porous materials were then discussed. Finally, The existing
problems, the future research and application directions of phosphate adsorption by adsorbents based on
ordered porous materials were analyzed and proposed.
Key words: phosphates; adsorption; ordered porous carbon materials; ordered porous silicon materials;
metal organic frameworks
磷是生物生存繁殖的重要元素之一,然而,自 来,水体磷酸盐的去除引起了大量的关注。去除水
然界中磷经使用后约 80%最终随污水排放 ,大量 体磷酸盐的方法有生物法 、沉淀法 、吸附法 等。
的磷流入水体会引起水体的富营养化 。水体富营 吸附法具有能处理低磷废水、运行简单、高效、效
养化会引起藻类大量繁殖,水体溶解氧减少,水生 果稳定及磷回收潜能大等优势而被广泛研究 [8-10] 。
生物大量死亡,危害水生态安全。研究表明,通过 目前,吸附法的研究热点主要是研发性能优异的吸
控制磷的输入可有效控制水体富营养化 [3-4] 。因此, 附材料。
去除水体中的磷具有非常重要的意义。最近几十年 利用金属改性是提高吸附剂去除磷酸盐性能的
收稿日期:2022-04-27; 定用日期:2022-07-08; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220407
作者简介:刘 涛(1986—),男,博士,讲师,。