Page 153 - 《精细化工)》2023年第10期
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第 40 卷第 10 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.40, No.10
             2 023 年 10 月                            FINE CHEMICALS                                  Oct.  2023


                    张心驰 ,惠和平 ,郭栋费 ,魏赛雪 ,郭   敏                                    1,3,4 ,李晓东      1,3,4*
                 (1.  甘肃中医药大学  药学院,甘肃  兰州  730010;2.  商洛学院  生物医药与食品工程学院,陕西  商洛
                 726000;3.  甘肃省中医院,甘肃  兰州  730050;4.  甘肃省中医药研究院  陇药大品种二次开发及临床疗
                 效评价行业技术中心,甘肃  兰州  730050)

                 摘要:对兰州百合采用热水提取和不同体积分数乙醇(30%、50%、70%、80%)醇沉得到 4 种多糖,分别记为
                 BLP-30、BLP-50、BLP-70 和 BLP-80。对上述 4 种多糖性能进行了测试,比较了多糖对 α-淀粉酶和 α-葡萄糖苷
                 酶的抑制能力,分析了多糖基本组成与降血糖活性的相关性。结果表明,4 种多糖均不含或含有极少量糖醛酸
                 和蛋白,BLP-80 可溶性总糖质量分数最高,为 30.96%。4 种多糖为混合多糖,均由甘露糖、葡萄糖和少量半乳
                 糖组成,重均相对分子质量从 BLP-30-1 的 625 kDa 逐渐减至 BLP-70-4 的 2.45 kDa。其中,BLP-30 和 BLP-50
                 为葡聚糖,BLP-70 为半乳甘露葡聚糖,BLP-80 为甘露葡聚糖,BLP-30 中甘露糖、葡萄糖、半乳糖摩尔分数分
                 别为 10.18%、88.67%、1.15%;BLP-50 中上述 3 种多糖摩尔分数分别为 2.49%、97.02%、0.49%;BLP-70 中上
                 述 3 种多糖摩尔分数分别为 26.94%、68.21%、4.85%;BLP-80 中甘露糖和葡萄糖摩尔分数分别为 41.56%和
                 58.44%。4 种多糖对 α-淀粉酶和 α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制能力强弱顺序分别为 BLP-70>BLP-80>BLP-30>BLP-50 和
                 BLP- 50>BLP-70>BLP-80>BLP-30。4 种多糖对 α-淀粉酶的抑制能力与甘露糖和半乳糖的摩尔分数呈正相关,对
                 α-淀粉酶的抑制能力与葡萄糖的摩尔分数呈负相关;对 α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制能力与可溶性总糖质量分数、糖醛
                 酸质量分数、甘露糖摩尔分数呈负相关;对 α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制能力与葡萄糖摩尔分数呈正相关。
                 中图分类号:TS255.1      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 10-2231-10

                       Analysis on structure and hypoglycemic activity of Lanzhou lily
                             polysaccharides from gradient alcoholic precipitation

                   ZHANG Xinchi , HUI Heping , GUO Dongfei , WEI Saixue , GUO Min   1,3,4 , LI Xiaodong 1,3,4*
                 (1. College of Pharmacy, Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730010, Gansu, China; 2. School of Biomedicine
                 and Food Engineering, Shangluo University,  Shangluo  726000,  Shaanxi, China; 3.  Gansu Provincial Hospital of
                 Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730050, Gansu, China;  4.  Professional Technical  Center for Secondary
                 Exploitation and Clinical Evaluation of Longyao Large  Varieties, Gansu  Academy of  Traditional Chinese Medicine,
                 Lanzhou 730050, Gansu, China)
                 Abstract: Four polysaccharides, named BLP-30, BLP-50, BLP-70 and BLP-80, respectively, were obtained
                 from hot water extraction and alcohol precipitation with different volume fractions of ethanol (30%, 50%,
                 70% and 80%). The properties of the four polysaccharides were then tested, with their inhibitory ability on
                 α-amylase and  α-glucosidase compared and the correlation between the basic composition and their
                 hypoglycemic activity analyzed. The results showed that all the four polysaccharides contained little or no
                 uronic acid and protein, and BLP-80 had the highest amount of total soluble sugar (30.96%). All the four
                 polysaccharides  were mixed polysaccharides,  with  BLP-30 and BLP-50 glucans, BLP-70 galactomannan
                 glucans and BLP-80 mannoglucan glucans, consisting of mannose, glucose and a small amount of galactose,
                 while the mass average relative molecular mass gradually decreased from 625 kDa for BLP-30-1 to 2.45 kDa
                 for BLP-70-4. The molar fractions of mannose, glucose and galactose in BLP-30 were 10.18%, 88.67% and
                 1.15%, respectively, in BLP-50 were 2.49%, 97.02% and 0.49%, respectively, and in BLP-70 were 26.94%,

                 收稿日期:2022-10-19;  定用日期:2023-05-08; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220961
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