Page 55 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
P. 55
す 40 ࢤす 4 ㏳ ࡃ ጒ Vol.40, No.4
20 23 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ FINE CHEMICALS Apr. 2023
̮ Ϋ喑⃢㐗 *
喍ࢄϙ᳄͇๔႓ 䒨ጒ̻丌৮႓䮏喑㟼 ࢄϙ 210037喎
ᦅ㺮喟ȕ-͆⅕䚥᭜㜗♣⩹͚ੜ̭̭๖♣ႅౕ⮱ ȕ ಸ⅕ധ䚥喑Ό᭜̭䲋㯸⮪⅕ധ䚥ȡȕ-͆⅕䚥ౕ丌৮Ƞࡨ㢜Ƞ
ࡃ႓∂ฺᱯ⮱⩌ϔ≮⼸喑⩌➖∂ڤᰶϔ➖̭̀ȠУ⍖হࣷጒ㞧キࢂぶх◦喑᭜ڙ䃑⮱ᰡ⣜ԊȠᰡᰶݺᮜ⮱ ȕ-
͆⅕䚥⩌ϔ∂ȡ䄒᪴㐩䔝γ ȕ-͆⅕䚥⮱ᕔ䉕ȠᏁ⩕Ƞ⩌➖А䅏䌜ᒱࣷͨ㺮⮱⩌➖व∂喑䛺◦䃕䃧γ⩌➖∂
⩌ϔ ȕ-͆⅕䚥⮱⣝⟣ࣷႅౕ⮱䬛䷅ȡВͧ ȕ-͆⅕䚥⮱倅᩵Ƞ㐬㞟⩌ϔጒ㞧ᐭࣾࣷጒ͇ࡃᏁ⩕ӈ࣯㔰ȡ
͚ఫܳㆨत喟TQ922.2 ᪴⡛ᴴ䃳喟A ᪴」㑃त喟1003-5214 (2023) 04-0741-13
Research progress on bio-metabolic pathways and
biopreparation of ȕ-alanine
DING Qian, DUAN Xuguo *
喍College of Light Industry and Food Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, Jiangsu, China喎
Abstract: ȕ-Alanine, a non-protein amino acid, is the only naturally existing ȕ-type amino acid in nature,
which has important applications in the food industry, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, feed
industry, and other fields, and broad market potential. At present, chemical synthesis and biosynthesis are
the two methods for ȕ-alanine synthesis. In comparison to the chemical method with complex production
process, the biological method, showing the advantages of product specificity, mild conditions, and simple
process, is recognized as a more environmental-friendly and promising ȕ-alanine production method.
Herein, the properties, applications, biological metabolic processes and main biological preparation
methods of ȕ-alanine were reviewed, with emphasis on the current situation and existing problems of
biological production method. This review is expected to provide reference for the development of efficient
and green production process and industrial application of ȕ-alanine in the future.
Key words: ȕ-alanine; biological method; fermentation; enzymatic transformation; L-aspartate-Į-decarboxylase
ȕ-͆⅕䚥喍ȕ-Alanine喎ࣵऺ 3-⅕ധ͆䚥喑᭜⩌ ͆⅕䚥ȡࡃ႓∂᩵⢴倅ȠকⴚȠ᱙ѻ喠ѳࣺᏁ
ϔ丌৮⌨ߍݯȠ㢜৮হक़⅛ࡃ႓৮ぶ⮱䛺㺮ݺҀᝃ У℁䒰Ხ〜喑䰭㺮ౕ倅⍖倅ࢸȠᑧ䚥ᑧⷞぶУ
͚䬡Ҁ喑जᎬ∈Ꮑ⩕λ丌৮Ƞ亟᫆Ƞࡃጒࣷࡨ㢜ぶ ̸䔈㵹喑́ޜϔ➖䒰็Ƞ㘪㕄๔ȡ⩌➖∂࠲᠙ࣾ䚢
䶳ഌ喍ຯఫ 1 喎ȡౕ丌৮㵹͇͚喑⩞λ ȕ-͆⅕䚥 ∂হ䚣∂喑䄒∂᱙ѻȠࣺᏁ⍖হȠႶڕ㐬㞟喑
᭜⩌➖Ҁڲव㖹㗪⮱ݺҀ➖䉕喑ज҉̭ͧ㥒ڨ ᭜ᒀݺͨ㺮⮱ⵁ⾣ाȡڣ͚喑ࣾ䚢∂⩌ϔ ȕ-͆⅕
㶒ٲݯ喑᭫㦄倅⩌➖Ҁڲ⮱㖹㗪क़䛼喑䔈㔹倅 䚥㮪♣Ꮒ➖Გ⎽͝ჹȠ᧺҉キӬ喑ѳ᭜ᓛ⩌➖А䅏
䏘Ҁ⮱䓽ߕ㘪߈ [1-2] 喠ౕ⪉➔͇͚喑亟͚᫆⌨ߍ ȕ- 䌜ᒱฺᱯȠޜϔ➖䒰็Ƞϔ➖̺ᭀܳ⻨㏜ࡃȡⰛݺ喑
͆⅕䚥ज䄰ᣔ㖹㖶⩌䪬喑倅㖹㖶⮱ោ⅔ࡃ㘪߈喑 ⵁ⾣㔲ͨ㺮᭜䕇䓴ᄦ ȕ-͆⅕䚥⮱व䕁ᒱ䔈㵹㈨㐌
䔈㔹ᩦ㖶ݣ৮৮䉕 ȡ ᕔ⮱ᩦ䕍喑䔘Ҭწͨ㏳㘋А䅏倅᩵ౝ≮ा ȕ-͆⅕䚥
Ⱋݺ喑ጒ̷͇ज䛴⩕ࡃ႓∂̻⩌➖∂Გ⩌ϔ ȕ- ⮱व喑䔈㔹ᩦअࣾ䚢∂ޜϔ➖䒰็Ƞ䒙ࡃ᩵⢴ѻ
ᩣ⽬ᬒ喟2022-07-18; Ⴧ⩕ᬒ喟2022-10-24; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220673
҉㔲キϸ喟̮ Ϋ 喍 1998ÿ喎喑⩤喑ⶂธ⩌喑E-mail: 1162146381@qq.comȡ㖁㈨ϧ喟⃢㐗喍1981ÿ喎喑⩤喑ࢇธ喑ޜ᪆ᢵ喑E-mail:ȡ