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第 40 卷第 9 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.40, No.9
             20 23 年 9 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Sept.  2023


                                  朱港港,黄毅萍 ,鲍俊杰,全晴晴,刘   皓
                 (1.  安徽大学  化学化工院,安徽  合肥  230601;2.  安徽省绿色高分子材料重点实验室,水基高分子材
                 料安徽省工程技术研究中心,安徽  合肥  230601)

                 酸酯乳液(简称改性聚丙烯酸酯乳液)。通过 FTIR 表征胶膜的结构,测定了胶膜的耐水性能、力学性能、热稳
                 定性、耐酸碱性。结果表明,当桐油酸含量(以 MMA、BA、HEA、GMA 的总质量为基准)为 4%时,随着
                 GMA 含量(即 GMA 质量占总丙烯酸酯单体质量的百分数,下同)的增加,胶膜铅笔硬度增大,耐水、耐酸碱
                 性能增强,拉伸强度增大,热稳定性增加,胶膜附着力增加。当 GMA 含量为 12%时,胶膜铅笔硬度为 4H,涂
                 在马口铁上的胶膜在质量分数为 5%的盐酸溶液中浸泡 144 h 无变化,在质量分数为 5%的 NaOH 水溶液浸泡 72
                 h 无变化,24 h 的吸水率为 3.31%,附着力为 0 级。
                 中图分类号:TQ316.334      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 09-2073-07

                          Preparation of tung oleic acid modified polymeric acrylate
                                       emulsions containing epoxide group

                           ZHU Ganggang, HUANG Yiping , BAO Junjie, QUAN Qingqing, LIU Hao
                 (1. College  of  Chemistry and  Chemical Engineering, Anhui University, Hefei  230601, Anhui, China; 2. Anhui Key
                 Laboratory of  Green Polymer  Materials, Water-based Polymer Materials Anhui Engineering  Technology Research
                 Center, Hefei 230601, Anhui, China)

                 Abstract: A series of tung oleic acid modified polyacrylate emulsions containing epoxy group (modified
                 polyacrylate emulsion for short)  were  prepared  by semi-continuous emulsion  polymerization of butyl
                 acrylate (BA), methyl methacrylate (MMA), hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA) with tung oil acid and glyceride
                 methacrylate (GMA) respectively, and characterized by FTIR. The water resistance, mechanical properties,
                 thermal stability, as well as the acid and alkali resistance were further analyzed. The results showed that
                 when the content (based on the total mass of MMA, BA, HEA and GMA) of tung oleic acid was 4%, the
                 pencil hardness, the water resistance, acid and alkali resistance, the tensile strength, the thermal stability and
                 the adhesion were all increased with the increase of GMA content (the mass of GMA as a percentage of the
                 total acrylic monomer mass, the same below). The pencil hardness reached 4H, the 24 h water absorption
                 rate was 3.31%, and the adhesion level was 0 level when the mass ratio of GMA was 12%. The film coated
                 on tinplate showed no change when immersed in HCl solution with a mass fraction of 5% for 144 h, and in
                 NaOH aqueous solution with a mass fraction of 5% for 72 h.
                 Key words: polyacrylates; tung oleic acid; glycidyl methacrylate; functional monomers; acrylic  series

                 水性丙烯酸树脂通常以水为溶剂,由丙烯酸、                          甲基丙烯酸及其衍生物等为单体共聚而成。制备的

                 收稿日期:2022-11-25;  定用日期:2023-02-27; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20221084
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