Page 224 - 《精细化工》2023年第9期
P. 224
·2072· 精细化工 FINE CHEMICALS 第 40 卷
3 结论 2019.
[9] HE S (何松). Study on the adaptability of viscoelastic surfactants to
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(1)制备了一种表面活性聚合物驱油剂,该驱 Chengdu: Southwest Petroleum University (西南石油大学), 2015.
[10] YANG F (杨菲), GUO Y J (郭拥军), ZHANG X M (张新民), et al.
油剂具有相对分子质量低、抗盐、抗吸附、降低油 Enhanced oil recovery technology of alkaline/surfactant/
水界面张力以及超强的乳化性能等优点。此外,该 hydrophobically associating polyacrylamide flooding after polymer
flooding[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica (石油学报), 2014, 35(5): 908-913.
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[16] LI J (李娟). Synthesis and properties of water-soluble polymer
水、高矿化度条件下依然有较好的乳化性能。3 次 viscosity reducers for heavy oil[D]. Jinan: Shandong University (山
吸附后表观黏度保留率达 114.11%,且依然具备较 东大学), 2019.
[17] ZHOU J Z (周继柱), SHI W L (时武龙), FU Z H (付增华), et al.
好的乳化性能,展现出良好的抗吸附性; Synthesis and properties of a water-soluble amphiphilic polymer
(3)通过注入实验和室内驱油实验模拟实际驱 viscosity water-soluble amphiphilic polymer viscosity reducer for
heavy oil with temperature and salt resistance[J]. Applied Chemical
油过程,评价了 PAS 的注入性和提高采收率的能力。 Industry (应用化工), 2014, 43(10): 1843-1846.
[18] ZHAO H, KANG W L, YANG H B, et al. Emulsification and
结果表明,质量浓度为 1000 mg/L 的 PAS 溶液在渗 stabilization mechanism of crude oil emulsion by surfactant
透率为 0.025 μm 的岩心中注入压力为 1.02 MPa, synergistic amphiphilic polymer system[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A:
Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 609: 125726.
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提高采收率达 19.02%,超过 HPAM 的 14.02%,与 emulsifying capability for extra heavy crude oil[J]. Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57(49): 17013-17023.
APS 的 19.60%相当。且该体系为单一聚合物体系, [20] FEI D T (费东涛), GUO J X (郭继香), SUN J F (孙建芳), et al.
Synthesis and performance evaluation of an amphiphilic polymer
具有配注工艺简单、用量低等优点。 viscosity reducer for heavy oil[J]. Fine Chemicals (精细化工), 2022,
由于 PAS 大分子的结构特点,降低油水界面张力 39(5): 1072-1080.
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[22] XU X G, OUYANG J, WANG Y Y, et al. Experimental investigation
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