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第 36 卷第 4 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.4
             201 9 年 4 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Apr.    2019

                            载体热处理温度对 Pt/FeO 催化甲醛


                                          崔维怡      1,3 ,刘翠平 ,谭乃迪
                 (1.  吉林化工学院  化工清洁生产技术吉林省高校重点实验室,吉林  吉林    132022;2.  吉林化工学院  石
                 油化工学院,吉林  吉林    132022;3.  吉林化工学院  化学与制药工程学院,吉林  吉林    132022)

                 摘要:将 Fe(OH) 3 以不同温度(T)热处理得到载体 FeO x -T,采用胶体沉积法制备了一系列 Pt/FeO x -T 催化剂用于
                 甲醛室温催化氧化反应。通过 XRD、BET、H 2 -TPR、FTIR 和 TEM  对 Pt/FeO x -T 催化剂的结构进行了表征。结
                 果表明:热处理温度影响 FeO x 载体的比表面积、氧化还原性质和 Pt/FeO x -T 表面羟基的数量,以及 Pt 物种和 FeO x
                 载体之间的相互作用。活性测试结果表明:以 100  ℃热处理的 FeO x 为载体,制备的 Pt 质量分数为 1.5%的
                 Pt/FeO x -100 催化剂具有较高的催化活性,在 25  ℃、相对湿度(RH)55%的条件下,甲醛的转化率可达到 96.2%。
                 中图分类号:TQ426      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 04-0671-07

                     Effect of Thermal Treatment Temperature of Support on Catalytic
                       Performance of Pt/FeO x Catalysts for Formaldehyde Oxidation

                                         CUI Wei-yi , LIU Cui-ping , TAN Nai-di
                 (1.  Key Laboratory of Chemical Cleaner Production  Technology of Jilin  Province, Jilin  Institute of Chemical
                 Technology, Jilin 132022, Jilin, China; 2. Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology,
                 Jilin  132022,  Jilin, China;  3. School of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Jilin Institute of Chemical
                 Technology, Jilin 132022, Jilin, China)

                 Abstract: A series of FeO x-T supports were prepared by thermal treatment at different temperatures, and
                 then FeO x-T supported Pt (Pt/FeO x-T) catalysts were prepared by a facile colloid deposition method. Their
                 catalytic  properties  were  investigated  in  the  oxidation  of  formaldehyde  at  ambient  temperature.  These
                 catalysts  were  characterized  by  XRD,  BET,  H 2-TPR,  FTIR  and  TEM.  The  results  showed  the  thermal
                 treatment  temperature  could  affect  the  BET  surface  area  and  oxidation-reduction property  of  FeO x,  the
                 amount  of  surface hydroxyl groups of  Pt/FeO x-T,  and  the  interaction  between  Pt  species  and  FeO x. The
                 results indicated that when FeO x was thermally treated at 100  ℃, the prepared Pt/FeO x-100 catalyst with a
                 Pt loading of 1.5wt% had high catalytic activity. The conversion of formaldehyde over this Pt/FeO x-100
                 could reach 96.2% at a relative humidity (RH) of 55% and ambient temperature (25 ℃).
                 Key words: formaldehyde; catalysis; metal-support interaction; activity; catalysis technology
                 Foundation items: 13th Five-Year Science and Technology Research and Planning Project of Education
                 Department  of  Jilin  Province  (JJKA20180559KJ);  Jilin  Municipal  Science  and  Technology  Innovation
                 Development Plan Project (201750211)

                 室内空气质量对人类身体健康非常重要,空气                          甲醛认定为一类致癌物质            [1-2] 。因此,探索甲醛的消
            污染物甲醛的毒性最大,世界卫生组织在 2004 年将                         除有益于人类安全和环境保护。室内甲醛的净化技

                 收稿日期:2018-06-30;  定用日期:2018-12-24; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180479
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