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第 36 卷第 5 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.5
             201 9 年 5 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 May    2019

                         硅源对高岭土合成 ZSM-5 分子筛的影响

                      马   文,徐森元,董正鑫,牛明爽,马剑君,虞乐建,蒋荣立
                                        (中国矿业大学  化工学院,江苏  徐州    221116)

                 摘要:以煤系高岭土为原料,分别以水玻璃、气相 SiO 2 、正硅酸四乙酯和硅酸为硅源,氢氧化钠为矿化剂,四
                 丙基氢氧化铵为模板剂,合成了ZSM-5分子筛。随后,在氯化铵氛围下离子交换合成HZSM-5分子筛。利用 XRD、
                 SEM、FTIR、NH 3 -TPD、BET 对 HZSM-5 进行了表征。最后,利用甲醇制汽油(MTG)反应测试 HZSM-5 的
                 催化性能。结果表明:以硅酸合成的 HZSM-5 分子筛催化效果优异,在 MTG 反应 43 h 后开始失活,高碳烃(C 5 +)
                 类产物的选择性为 41.75%。
                 关键词:高岭土;ZSM-5 分子筛;硅源;甲醇制汽油;催化技术
                 中图分类号:TQ426      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 05-0924-05

                                Influence of Silica Source on Synthesis of ZSM-5
                                           Molecular Sieves from Kaolin

                                MA Wen, XU Sen-yuan, DONG Zheng-xin, NIU Ming-shuang,
                                          MA Jian-jun, YU Le-jian, JIANG Rong-li
                 (School of Chemical Engineering & Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China)

                 Abstract: ZSM-5 zeolites were synthesized using coal-series kaolin as raw material, sodium silicate, fumed
                 silica,  silicon  tetraacetate  and  silicic  acid  as  silicon  sources,  sodium  hydroxide  as  mineralizer,  and
                 tetrapropylammonium  hydroxide  as  template  agent.  Subsequently,  HZSM-5  molecular  sieves  were
                 synthesized by exchanging ion method in ammonium chloride. The HZSM-5 samples were characterized by
                 XRD, SEM,FTIR, NH 3-TPD and BET. Finally, the catalytic conversion of methanol to gasoline (MTG)
                 were studied over HZSM-5 samples. The results indicated that the HZSM-5 molecular sieve synthesized
                 from silicic acid had excellent catalytic performance, and started to deactivate after MTG reaction for 43 h,
                 and the selectivity of higher hydrocarbons (C 5 +) products was 41.75%.
                 Key words: kaolin; ZSM-5 molecular sieve; silica source; methanol to gasoline; catalysis technology
                 Foundation items: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51674262); Jiangsu Province Qing Lan
                 Project; “13th Five Year” Brand Discipline Construction Funding Project of China University of Mining
                 and Technology; Jiangsu Provincial College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program;
                 Students'  Innovation  Training  Project  for  Undergraduate  Students  of  China  University  of  Mining  and
                 Technology University

                 随着经济的发展,能源紧缺问题日益突出,甲                          分子筛作为催化剂被广泛应用于甲醇制汽油工艺。
            醇制汽油(MTG)催化工艺是目前研究的热点                     [1-2] 。      煤系高岭土是采煤和选煤过程中产生的固体废
            醇制汽油成功的关键是采用具有特定结构晶体硅铝                             弃物,由于其独特的性能及含有丰富的硅和铝,以
            酸盐分子筛 。ZSM-5 型分子筛因其内部具有合适                          煤系高岭土为原料合成 ZSM-5 分子筛是近年来研究
            尺寸的通道及可调变的酸性质              [4-5] ,所以 ZSM-5 型       的热点   [6-9] 。煤系高岭土的硅铝比 n(SiO 2)/n(Al 2O 3)

                 收稿日期:2018-09-12;  定用日期:2019-01-04; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180675
                 作者简介:马   文(1997—),女,本科生。联系人:蒋荣立(1968—),女,博士,教授,。
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