Page 62 - 精细化工2019年第8期
P. 62
第 36 卷第 8 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.36, No.8
201 9 年 8 月 FINE CHEMICALS Aug. 2019
石墨烯/Sr Ni Co O 复合材料的制备及其性能
王 成,黄红霞 ,肖 阳,梁大铭
(桂林理工大学 广西电磁化学功能物质重点实验室,广西 桂林 541004)
摘要:通过溶胶-凝胶法合成了双钙钛矿型氧化物 Sr 2 Ni 0.4 Co 1.6 O 6 、通过改性 Hummers 还原方法制备出薄层石墨
烯,并制备单一物质和两者复合材料的双功能氧电极,用于测试其氧催化性能。采用 XRD、EDS、SEM、FTIR
对样品进行表征。结果显示:Sr 2 Ni 0.4 Co 1.6 O 6 均匀地分布于薄层石墨烯片层表面。电化学性能测试结果表明:单
一 Sr 2 Ni 0.4 Co 1.6 O 6 和薄层石墨烯的氧还原反应(ORR)最大电流密度分别为 0.1830、0.1516 A/cm (–0.6 V vs.
Hg/HgO),氧析出反应(OER)最大电流密度分别为 0.2677、0.1174 A/cm (1 V vs. Hg/HgO)。当薄层石墨烯添加
量占复合催化剂质量的 10%时,复合催化剂的氧催化性能最佳,ORR 最大电流密度为 0.2901 A/cm (–0.6 V vs.
Hg/HgO),OER 最大电流密度为 0.3905 A/cm (1 V vs. Hg/HgO),明显高于单一催化剂。
中图分类号:O643;TB33 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 08-1550-06
Preparation and Properties of Graphene/Sr 2Ni 0.4Co 1.6O 6 Composites
WANG Cheng, HUANG Hong-xia , XIAO Yang, LIANG Da-ming
(Guangxi Key Laboratory of Electrochemical and Magneto-chemical Functional Materials, Guilin University of Technology,
Guilin 541004, Guangxi, China)
Abstract: A double perovskite oxide Sr 2Ni 0.4Co 1.6O 6 and thin layer graphene were prepared by sol-gel
method and modified Hummers reduction method, respectively. Then, graphene/Sr 2Ni 0.4Co 1.6O 6 composites
were synthesized as bifunctional oxygen electrode for testing its oxygen catalytic performance. The samples
were characterized by XRD, EDS, SEM and FTIR. The results indicated that Sr 2Ni 0.4Co 1.6O 6 was
homogeneously dispersed on the surface of the graphene layers. Electrochemical performance tests showed
that for single Sr 2Ni 0.4Co 1.6O 6 and thin layer graphene, the corresponding maximum current density of
oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) was 0.1830 A/cm and 0.1516 A/cm (–0.6 V vs. Hg/HgO), and that of
oxygen evolution reaction (OER) was 0.2677 A/cm and 0.1174 A/cm (1 V vs. Hg/HgO). When the
addition amount of thin layer graphene was 10% of the mass of the composite catalyst, the composite
catalyst had the best oxygen catalytic performance, the maximum current density of ORR and OER was
0.2901 A/cm (–0.6 V vs. Hg/HgO) and 0.3905 A/cm (1 V vs. Hg/HgO), respectively, higher than that of
the single catalyst.
Key words: graphene; double perovskite oxide; electrochemical properties; bifunctional catalyst; functional
随着社会高度发展,能源成为发展瓶颈,人们 稳定性好等优点而被研究者广泛研究 [3-5] ,但是电池
面临能源危机、环境污染而由此带来的身体健康等 阴 极既进 行氧 还原反 应( ORR)和氧 析出反 应
一系列问题,因此,需要研发可持续、高效、低成 (OER),又要电极具有耐腐蚀性,这对于可逆程度
本、环境友好型的可再生能源和新能源材料 [1-2] 。燃 不高的氧反应是相当困难的,这就导致了电池的寿
料电池、金属-空气电池、金属氢化物-空气电池因 命降低,影响电池的工作效率,因此,需要开发高
其具有清洁无污染、能量密度高、可观的循环性能、 效稳定的阴极催化剂 [6-7] 。
收稿日期:2018-12-04; 定用日期:2019-02-25; DOI: DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180881
作者简介: 王 成(1992—),男,硕士生,。联系人:黄红霞(1975—),女,副教授,。