Page 135 - 精细化工2019年第9期
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第 36 卷第 9 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.9
             201 9 年 9 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Sept.    2019


                          李慰霞      1,2 ,李利军      1,2* ,杨岚风      1,2 ,毛   祥     1,2 ,程   昊    1,2

                 (1.  广西糖资源绿色加工重点实验室,  生物与化学工程学院,广西科技大学,广西,柳州  545006;2.  蔗
                 糖产业省部共建协同创新中心,广西,南宁    530004)

                 摘要:考察了硝酸镁和磷酸复合清净剂在高 pH 条件下对赤砂糖回溶糖浆的清净效果及机理。在单因素实验基
                 离子质量分数 2.0%、磷酸质量分数 1.7%)加入量 2.0%(以糖汁体积为基准,下同),pH 11.0,聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)
                 水溶液(2.0 mg/L)用量 0.1%,温度 32  ℃。在此条件下脱色率为 88.2%,沉降时间为 69 s。对蔗糖体系和糖汁
                 体系的混凝物进行了 SEM、TEM、Zeta 电位分析、XRD 分析,结果发现,复合清净剂通过混凝反应生成的羟
                 中图分类号:TS244.2      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 09-1863-07

                       Decolorization and Mechanism of Phosphoric Acid-Magnesium

                                  Nitrate Composite Detergent for Sugar Juice

                          LI Wei-xia , LI Li-jun 1,2* , YANG Lan-feng , MAO Xiang , CHENG Hao
                 (1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Green Processing of Sugar Resources, College of Biological and Chemical Engineering,
                 Guangxi University of Science and  Technology, Liuzhou  545006, Guangxi, China;  2. Province and Ministry
                 Co-sponsored Collaborative Innovation Center of Sugarcane and Sugar Industry, Nanning 530004, Guangxi, China)
                 Abstract:  The  purification  effect  and  mechanism  of  magnesium  nitrate-phosphoric  acid  composite
                 detergent on the remelted syrup of brown granulated sugar were studied under the condition of high pH.
                 Orthogonal experiment was used to optimize the purification conditions and the element and level of the
                 orthogonal experiment were determined on the basis of single factor experiment. The optimum conditions
                 were obtained as follows: addition amount of composite detergent (mass fraction of magnesium ion and
                 phosphoric acid 2.0% and 1.70%, respectively) 2.0% (based on the volume of sugar juice, the same below),
                 pH  value  11.0,  dosage  of  polyacrylamide  (PAM)  aqueous  solution  (2  mg/L) 0.1%, temperature 32  ℃.
                 Under these conditions, the decolorization rate was 88.2% and the best sedimentation time was 69 s. SEM,
                 TEM, Zeta potential analyzer, and XRD were used to characterize the complexes in the sucrose system and
                 the  brown  granulated  sugar  remelted  syrup  system.  It  was  found  that  the  composite  detergent  could
                 electrically  neutralize,  adsorb,  embed  and  trap  the  non-sugar  substances  such  as  pigments  by  the
                 coagulation reaction of hydroxyl calcium phosphate and magnesium hydroxide.
                 Key words: composite detergent; coagulation; decolorization rate; settling time; clarification mechanism;
                 drug and cosmetic materials

                 蔗汁清净是制糖工艺中的重要工序,其主要目                              传统的脱色工艺有磷酸-亚硫酸法、碳酸法和石
            的是除去色素分子和非糖组分,从而为煮糖工序提                             灰法 等,中国糖厂普遍采用磷酸-亚硫酸法,通过
            供优质的清汁 。                                           燃烧硫磺产生二氧化硫进行脱色,其利用率不高,

                 收稿日期:2018-09-19;  定用日期:2019-03-04; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180702
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