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第 1 期                 张   昊,等:  淀粉基磺酸型离子交换树脂的制备及对染料吸附性能                                  ·145·

            钠)=3∶1,引发剂浓度为 0.056 mol/L,底物 n(RS)∶                [9]   Sun  Yadong  (孙亚东),  Chen  Qifeng  (陈启凤),  Lv  Shanshan  (吕闪
                                                                   闪),  et al.  Recent  progress  in  modification  of  starch  [J].  Materials
            n(SMAS)∶n(ST)=4∶2∶1,反应温度 65  ℃,
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            时间 3  h,在此条件下磺酸基质量分数达 16.05%,                      [10]  Li Ting (李庭), Zhou Chengxianyi (周成显怡), Xie Tonghui (谢通
            MB 吸附量为 17.98 mg/g。                                    慧),  et al.  Preparation  of  four  tentacle-type  strong  base  anion
                                                                   exchange resins and study on their adsorption properties for Eosin Y
                (2) CNMR、IR 及 RAM 光谱分析表明,ST                        removal[J].  Chemical  Industry  and  Engineering  Progress  (化工进
            与 SMAS 单体通过接枝反应与淀粉形成了三元共聚                              展), 2015, 34(5): 1377-1383, 1388.
                                                               [11]  Hassan M M, Carr C M. A critical review on recent advancements of
            物,从而将磺酸基团引入到淀粉大分子中;SEM 与                               the removal of reactive dyes from dyehouse effluent by ion-exchange
            XRD 观察发现,接枝共聚反应破坏了淀粉原有的结                               adsorbents[J]. Chemosphere, 2018, 209: 201-219.
                                                               [12]  Ibrahim B M,Fakhre N A. Crown ether modification of starch for
            晶区,大分子在氢键作用下重新缔结并形成树脂颗粒。                               adsorption of heavy metals from synthetic wastewater[J]. International
                (3)BET 分析表明,GSR 树脂的孔径较 RS 增                        Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 123: 70-80.
                                                               [13]  He Hualing (何华玲), Zhang Jianfei (张健飞), Yu Zhicai (于志财),
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            酸、碱及酶的耐受性较 RS 显著增强,稳定性提高。                              reactive  Red  X-3B  dye[J].  Journal  of  Textile  Research(纺织学报),
            GSR 的吸附性能随粒径减小而增强,但小于 100 μm                           2014, 35(7): 101-106.
                                                               [14]  Heshmati  H,  Torab-Mostaedi  M,  Ghanadzadeh  Gilani  H,  et al.
            时,吸附量提高不明显。当粒径为 150~250 μm 时,                          Kinetic, isotherm, and thermodynamic investigations of uranium (Ⅵ)
            脱色率较高,与合成树脂颗粒尺寸相仿,便于使用                                 adsorption  on  synthesized  ion-exchange  chelating  resin  and
                                                                   prediction  with  an  artificial  neural  network[J].  Desalination  and
            与回收,有利于实现连续化操作。                                        Water Treatment, 2015, 55(4): 1076-1087.
                (4)GSR 对 MB、SF 与 MG 这 3 种染料的吸附                 [15]  Liu  X  W,  Wei  Q  Y.  Removal  of  methylene  blue  from  aqueous
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            量较天然淀粉明显提高,对不同结构种类染料吸附                                 RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 79853-79858.
            差异性减小,表现出广谱性,且在不同 pH 下均保                           [16]  Zhang Hao (张昊), Fan Xinyu (范新宇), Wang Jiankun (王建坤), et
                                                                   al. Synthesis of cross-linked carboxymethyl starch and its adsorption
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                                                                   properties  on  heavy  metal  ions  [J].  Chemical  Industry  and
            附行为符合准二级动力学方程,吸附过程以化学吸                                 Engineering Progress (化工进展), 2017, 36(7): 2554-2561.
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            GSR 对混合染料废水的脱色率可达 85.08%,超过                            185(2/3): 914-921.
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            脱色率不低于首次吸附的 91.12%,是一种理想的天                             ammonium  cations  [J].  Journal  of  Textile  Research  (纺织学报),
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