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第 4 期                  曹亚楠,等:  栀子黄色素富集纯化对其抑制 LDL 氧化修饰的影响                                 ·751·

                (4)GYP-1 能显著抑制 LDL 氧化过程中 CD、                       Lowry,  Bradford Coomassie  blue,  or  the  Smith  Bicinchoninic  acid
                                                                   assay before electrophoresis[J]. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2019,
            MDA 产生,且其抑制效果呈现明显的量效关系。同
                                                                   1855: 31-39.
            浓度 GYP-2 抑制 CD、MDA 产生、LDL 光谱红移                     [15]  YANG Li (杨丽), CHEN Hongping (陈鸿平), LI Xuelian (李雪莲),
                                                                   et al. Correlation between color and pigment components contents of
            等方面显著强于 GYP-1。通过外观颜色及 SEM 观察
                                                                   Lycii fructus  expressing  different  degree  of  color-changing[J].
            表面微观结构,GYP-2 能通过抑制 LDL 氧化而使其                           Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae(中国
            颜色及表面微观结构更接近 n-LDL,直观印证了本                              实验方剂学杂志), 2015, 21(8): 47-50.
                                                               [16]  SCHMITZER  V,  MIKULIC-PETKOVSEK  M,  STAMPAR  F, et al.
            文各项生化测定结果,表明 GYP-2 比 GYP-1 对 LDL                       Phenolic accumulation in hybrid primrose and pigment distribution
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                                                                   from  the  fruits  of  Avicennia  marina  by  macroporous  adsorption
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