Page 193 - 《精细化工》2020年第6期
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第 37 卷第 6 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.6
             202 0 年 6 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 June    2020

                              基于 MOF 制备铜碳复合材料及其


                            李鹏翔,蒋文伟 ,姚   佩,杨德华,毛   维,易正虎
                                        (四川大学  化学工程学院,四川  成都    610000)

                 摘要:以对苯二甲酸和三水合硝酸铜为原料,采用溶剂热法合成金属骨架材料 Cu-MOF,以其作为前驱体,在
                 氮气氛围下经过不同温度焙烧得到了铜碳复合材料 Cu-MOF-θ(θ=700、800、900、1000  ℃)。通过 XPS、SEM
                 和 BET 分析了 Cu-MOF-θ 的微观结构和形貌;考察了 Cu-MOF-θ 作为类芬顿非均相催化剂催化降解甲基橙(MO)
                 模拟废水的特性,优化了 pH、初始 MO 质量浓度并探讨了 Cu-MOF-800 的循环使用性。结果表明,Cu-MOF-θ
                 样品为以 Cu、C、O 为主的多孔片层状结构,尺寸随焙烧温度升高而减小。其中,Cu-MOF-800 具有最大的比
                 表面积、孔体积和 n(Cu )/n(Cu );在 H 2 O 2 浓度 12 mmol/L、催化剂质量浓度 1 g/L、反应温度 50  ℃、溶液 pH=3、
                 MO 质量浓度 200 mg/L 的条件下,Cu-MOF-800 对 MO 降解效率最好,经过 60 min 反应,MO 的降解率达到 99%
                 以上;经过 4 次循环使用后,Cu-MOF-800 的降解率仍然保持在 96%以上。
                 中图分类号:X788;TB331      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 06-1259-06

                        Preparation of copper-carbon composites based on MOF and

                                        its degradation for methyl orange

                        LI Pengxiang, JIANG Wenwei , YAO Pei, YANG Dehua, MAO Wei, YI ZhengHu
                           (School of Chemistry Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610000, Sichuan, China)

                 Abstract: Metal-organic framework material Cu-MOF was synthesized by solvent-thermal method from
                 terephthalic acid and copper nitrate hydrate, and then roasted at different temperature in nitrogen to obtain
                 copper-carbon  composites, Cu-MOF-θ (θ=700, 800, 900  1000  ℃). The  materials  were  characterized  by
                 XPS, SEM and BET. The catalytic degradation performances of methyl orange (MO) simulated wastewater
                 by Cu-MOF-θ samples as Fenton like heterogeneous catalysts were investigated. The effects of initial pH,
                 initial mass concentration of MO, and the stability of catalyst were optimized to explore the application of
                 Cu-MOF-800. The results showed that Cu-MOF-θ samples exhibited porous lamellar structure with Cu, C
                 and O as the main components. The size of Cu-MOF-θ decreased with the increase of roasting temperature.
                 Among  these  samples,  Cu-MOF-800  had  the  maximum  specific  surface  area,  pore  volume  and
                 n(Cu )/n(Cu ). Under the conditions of concentration of H 2O 2 12 mmol/L, mass concentration of catalyst 1
                 g/L,  reaction  temperature  50  ℃,  pH  value  of  solution  3,  and  mass  concentration  of  MO  200  mg/L,
                 Cu-MOF-800 showed the best performance for the degradation of MO, and after 60 min of reaction, the
                 degradation rate of MO could reach up to 99%. The degradation rate of Cu-MOF-800 for MO was still over
                 96% even after being for 4 cycles.
                 Key  words:  heterogeneous;  Fenton;  methyl  orange;  metal-organic  framework  materials;  copper-carbon
                 composites; water treatment technology

                 收稿日期:2019-11-15;  定用日期:2020-02-17; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20191078
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