Page 82 - 《精细化工》2020年第8期
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第 37 卷第 8 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.8
             202 0 年 8 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Aug.  2020

                      Hf-ZnO 酪氨酸酶生物传感器检测邻苯二酚

                   喻   彪    1,2 ,孙丽霞      1,2 ,周利琴      1,2 ,徐大鹏       1,2 ,张友全      1,2 ,廖丹葵      1,2*

                 (1.  广西石化资源加工及过程强化技术重点实验室,广西  南宁  530004;2.  广西大学  化学化工学院,
                 广西  南宁  530004)

                 摘要:以四氯化铪(HfCl 4 )和六水合硝酸锌为原料,通过水热法制得 Hf 掺杂氧化锌纳米材料(Hf-ZnO),并将
                 Hf-ZnO、酪氨酸酶(Tyr)和壳聚糖(CS)修饰在玻碳电极(GCE)上,制得 Tyr/Hf-ZnO/CS/GCE 生物传感器。
                 利用 FESEM、DLS、XRD 和 XPS 对 Hf-ZnO 的结构和性能进行表征。采用循环伏安法(CV)和计时电流法(IT)
                 对 Tyr/Hf-ZnO/CS/GCE 电极进行电化学测试。结果表明,Tyr/Hf-ZnO/CS/GCE 电极在 pH=5 和–50 mV 的低电势
                 下对邻苯二酚有最佳检测能力,对邻苯二酚检测的线性范围是 0.5~47.0 μmol/L,灵敏度为 195 mA/(mol/L),检
                 测限是 0.1215 µmol/L (S/N=3)。此外,该生物电极的稳定性和重复性较好,可有效避免尿素、多巴胺、抗坏血酸
                 中图分类号:O657.1      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 08-1580-08

                              Tyrosinase biosensor based on hafnium doped zinc
                                         oxide (Hf-ZnO) to detect catechol

                  YU Biao , SUN Lixia , ZHOU Liqin , XU Dapeng , ZHANG Youquan , LIAO Dankui        1,2*
                 (1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Petrochemical Resource Processing and Process Intensification Technology, Nanning
                 530004, Guangxi, China; 2.  School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning  530004,
                 Guangxi, China)
                 Abstract: A series of hafnium doped zinc oxide (Hf-ZnO) nano particles were prepared from tetrachloride
                 hafnium (HfCl 4) and zinc nitrate by hydrothermal method. An electrochemical biosensor of Tyr/Hf-ZnO/
                 CS/GCE was  obtained  by modifying tyrosinase  (Tyr), Hf-ZnO and chitosan (CS) onto  glassy carbon
                 electrode (GCE). The structure and properties of Hf-ZnO were characterized by FESEM, DLS, XRD and
                 XPS. Electrochemical performances of Tyr/Hf-ZnO/CS/GCE were tested by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and
                 chronoamperometry (IT). The results showed that Tyr/Hf-ZnO/CS/GCE electrode had the best detection
                 ability for catechol at a low potential of –50 mV and at pH 5. The linear range of catechol detection was
                 0.5~47.0 μmol/L, the sensitivity was 195 mA/(mol/L), and the detection limit was 0.1215 µmol/L (S/N=3).
                 In addition, the biological electrode had good stability and repeatability, and could effectively avoid the
                 interference of substances similar to the electrical activity of catechol such as urea, dopamine, ascorbic acid.
                 Key words: tyrosinase; hafnium doped zinc oxide; electrochemical biosensor; catechol; functional materials

                 邻苯二酚是一种对环境和人体有强烈危害性的                          流动注射、毛细管电泳、分光光度法、气相色谱-
            污染物,其会损害人体神经中枢,导致染色体畸变,                            质谱或液相色谱-质谱等           [2-5] 。其中,色谱法耗时且
            且广泛存在于农业、造纸业、纺织工业、石化产业                             成本较高,分光光度法存在精度差的缺点。而电化
            等工业生产中 。邻苯二酚传统的检测方法主要有                             学检测可及时地将物质的检测信号转化为电信号,

                 收稿日期:2020-02-11;  定用日期:2020-04-13; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200093
                 作者简介:喻   彪(1994—),男,硕士生。联系人:廖丹葵(1967—),女,教授,。
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