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第 38 卷第 3 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.38, No.3
             202 1 年 3 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Mar.  2021

                                  RuAg/TiO -C 催化剂的制备及


                                        鞠剑峰,吴东辉,华   平,陈   娇

                                        (南通大学  化学化工学院,江苏  南通  226019)

                 摘要:采用改性溶胶-凝胶法和水热合成法制备了 C 掺杂多孔纳米 TiO 2 ,以其为载体制备了一种 RuAg/TiO 2 -C
                 催化剂。采用 XRD、TEM、EDS、XPS 及电化学分析对催化剂的结构和性能进行了表征,测定了其对甲醇的电
                 催化氧化性能。结果表明,RuAg 的负载和 C 的掺杂提高了 TiO 2 对甲醇的电催化性能,RuAg/TiO 2 -C 对甲醇电
                 催化的循环伏安曲线中未见甲醇氧化中间产物的氧化峰,0.54 V 处有一个较大的甲醇氧化峰,其峰电流密度为
                 5.8 mA/cm ,RuAg/TiO 2 -C 比商用 PtRu/C 催化剂具有更高的催化活性和抗毒性,RuAg 合金的负载以及 RuAg
                 合金与 C 掺杂多孔纳米 TiO 2 载体之间较强的相互作用是其对甲醇催化性能提高的主要因素。
                 关键词:多孔纳米 TiO 2 ;直接甲醇燃料电池;甲醇氧化;催化剂;RuAg 合金
                 中图分类号:TM911.4;O643.36      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 03-0566-06

                     Preparation of C-doped porous TiO 2 supported RuAg catalyst for

                                            methanol electro-oxidation

                                      JU Jianfeng, WU Donghui, HUA Ping, CHEN Jiao
                      (School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nantong University, Nantong 226019, Jiangsu, China)

                 Abstract: C-doped porous nano-TiO 2 was prepared by modified sol-gel method and hydrothermal method.
                 Then, it was  used as support to fabricate RuAg/TiO 2-C catalyst. The structure and  electrochemical
                 properties of  RuAg/TiO 2-C  catalyst were characterized  by XRD, TEM, EDS, XPS and electrochemical
                 analysis. The electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol was measured. The results showed that the loading of
                 RuAg and the doping of C improved the electrocatalytic  activity of RuAg/TiO 2-C catalyst for methanol
                 oxidation. The cyclic voltammograms of RuAg/TiO 2-C catalyst revealed that there was a larger methanol
                 oxidation peak at 0.54 V with a peak current density of 5.8 mA/cm . No oxidation peak of intermediates
                 was  observed  on the  reverse scan in the cyclic voltammograms. RuAg/TiO 2-C catalyst exhibited  higher
                 catalytic activity and better anti-poisoning ability for methanol oxidation than commercial PtRu/C catalyst.
                 The high catalytic activity of RuAg/TiO 2-C for methanol oxidation was attributed to the strong interaction
                 between RuAg nano alloy and C-doped porous TiO 2.
                 Key words: porous nano-TiO 2; direct methanol fuel cell; methanol oxidation; catalyst; RuAg alloy

                 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)是一种化学能转                         CO 等)会占据电极的活性中心,毒化电极,使电极
            变为电能、氧化产物为 CO 2 和 H 2 O 的装置,具有能                    活性降低 。目前,DMFC 商用阳极催化剂为 PtRu/C
            耗少、能量密度高、甲醇来源丰富、效率高等优点,                            催化剂,该催化剂 PtRu 负载量高、价格昂贵、且 C
            是未来最有希望的一种化学电源。但其产业化面临                             基材在发电时易氧化,利用率难以满足商业化要求。
            的关键问题之一是阳极催化剂的催化活性低,甲醇                                 纳米 TiO 2 催化性能较高、价格低廉、性能稳
            氧化过程中,在阳极表面产生的吸附羰基物种(如                             定、来源广泛,尤其是氧化环境中具有比 C 更高的

                 收稿日期:2020-07-30;  定用日期:2020-10-19; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.2020706
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