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第 39 卷第 10 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.39, No.10
             2022 年 10 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Oct.  2022

                        UCST 型玫瑰红催化剂的制备与催化合成


                                   黄宝强 ,蔡亭伟 ,王照朋 ,赵强强                              1,2*
                 (1.  东华大学  化学化工与生物工程学院,上海  201620;2.  山东中康国创先进印染技术研究院有限公司
                 国家先进印染技术创新中心,  山东  泰安  271000)

                 P(MMA-xDMC)(x 为 DMC 的含量,以 MMA 物质的量为基准,下同)。通过 P(MMA-xDMC)对玫瑰红(RB)
                 的吸附作用,制得高临界溶解温度(UCST)型 RB 催化剂〔P(MMA-xDMC)-RB〕。对聚合物的相对分子质量、
                 UCST 以及 P(MMA-xDMC)-RB 在溶液中溶解再析出的稳定性进行了测试,考察了 P(MMA-xDMC)-RB 催化 N-
                 苯基四氢异喹啉衍生物与硝基甲烷反应的活性与稳定性。结果表明,x为0.5%~2.0%时,产物的UCST在37~42 ℃,
                 P(MMA-1% DMC)-RB 经过 4 次溶解-沉淀实验后,溶解再析出百分率达第一次的 93%以上;在 N-苯基四氢异喹
                 啉衍生物和硝基甲烷的交叉脱氢偶联反应中,P(MMA-1% DMC)-RB 具有较高的催化活性,与常规 RB 相当。在
                 反应温度为 45  ℃、白色 1 W LED 光源下反应 8 h,产物四氢异喹啉衍生物的收率在 80%以上。该 UCST 型 RB
                 催化剂具有良好循环稳定性,循环使用 8 次后,四氢异喹啉衍生物的收率降为 77.9%。
                 关键词:交叉脱氢偶联反应;UCST 聚合物;玫瑰红;光催化反应;催化技术
                 中图分类号:O643.3      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 10-2086-06

                 UCST type Rose Bengal catalyst preparation and its catalytic synthesis of

                                        tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives

                          HUANG Baoqiang , CAI Tingwei , WANG Zhaopeng , ZHAO Qiangqiang     1,2*
                 (1.College of Chemical and Bioengineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China;2.Shandong Zhongkang
                 Guochuang Advanced Printing and Dyeing Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., National Advanced Printing and Dyeing
                 Technology Innovation Center, Taian 271000, Shandong, China)
                 Abstract:  UCST  (high critical dissolution temperature) type Red Bengal (RB) catalyst
                 P(MMA-xDMC)-RB (x refers to the content of DMC, based on the molar amount of MMA, the same below)
                 was prepared via adsorption of P(MMA-xDMC) on RB, of which P(MMA-xDMC) was synthesized from
                 methyl methacrylate (MMA) and methyl acryloxyethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (DMC). The relative
                 molecular  mass of the  polymer obtained, UCST and  stability of P(MMA-xDMC)-RB dissolved and
                 reprecipitated in solution were analyzed, followed by investigation on its catalytic activity and stability in
                 the reaction of N-phenyltetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives with nitromethane. The results showed that the
                 UCST of products  prepared was  37~42  ℃ when  x = 0.5%~2.0%,  and the  recovery  of P(MMA-1%
                 DMC)-RB still reached >93% after four cycles of dissolution-precipitation. In the cross dehydrogenation
                 coupling reaction  between  N-phenyltetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives  and nitromethane, P(MMA-1%
                 DMC)-RB  exhibited  high  catalytic activity comparable to that of  conventional RB. The yield of
                 tetrahydroisoquinoline was higher than 80% with white 1 W LED light source irradiation for 8 h at 45  ℃.
                 Moreover, the UCST type RB catalyst displayed good cycle stability with the yield of
                 tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives decreased 77.9% after catalyst being cycled for 8 times.

                 收稿日期:2022-01-24;  定用日期:2022-06-07; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220089
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