Page 141 - 《精细化工》2022年第2期
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第 39 卷第 2 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.39, No.2
             2022 年 2 月                              FINE CHEMICALS                                  Feb.  2022


                           程   鹏,郭宗伟,许阳蕾 ,李   鑫,宋怡佳,许   凤
                                      (北京林业大学  材料科学与技术学院,北京  100083)

                 氧化性进行了表征与测试。结果表明,甲酸/盐酸胍〔n(甲酸)∶n(盐酸胍)=4∶1〕DES 实现了温和短时条
                 件下(100 ℃,2 h)高效分离木质素(得率为 59.31%),当进一步升温至 120  ℃时,得率可达 73.98%。原因是
                 该酸性体系中氢质子使木质素中大量的 β—O—4、β—β、β—5 连接键断裂,促使木质素大分子解聚成小分子而
                 溶出。分离的木质素质量分数高于 96.6%,相对分子质量较低(M w =1040~2040),多分散系数<1.5,结构均一,
                 热稳定性好。同时,该木质素抗氧化活性较强〔半抑制浓度(IC 50 )=0.016~0.045 g/L〕,优于商业抗氧化剂丁基
                 羟基茴香醚(IC 50 =0.019 g/L)。
                 中图分类号:TQ352;O636.2      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 02-0345-07

                      Mild and efficient fractionation of moso bamboo lignin based on

                          formic acid/guanidine hydrochloride deep eutectic solvent

                           CHENG Peng, GUO Zongwei, XU Yanglei , LI Xin, SONG Yijia, XU Feng
                        (School of Materials Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China)

                 Abstract: Lignin from  moso  bamboo  was separated mildly and efficiently using  formic acid/guanidine
                 hydrochloride deep eutectic solvent (DES). The structure, thermal stability and antioxidant activity of the
                 lignin  were characterized. It was  found  that formic acid/guanidine  hydrochloride [n(formic acid)∶
                 n(guanidine hydrochloride)=4∶1] DES resulted in a high lignin yield of 59.31% under mild conditions
                 (100 ℃, 2 h) and further  increased  to 73.98%  at  120 ℃. This was attributed to the acidic DES donated
                 active protons to selectively cleave β—O—4, β—β, β—5 bonds and further facilitated a large amount of
                 lignin removal. The separated lignin had a high mass fraction  (>96.6%), low relative molecular  mass
                 (M w=1040~2040), low polydispersity index (PDI<1.5), homogeneous structure, excellent thermal stability.
                 The antioxidant performance of the lignin [half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC 50)=0.016~0.045 g/L]
                 was better than that of the commercial antioxidant butylatedhydroxytoluence (IC 50=0.019 g/L).
                 Key words: deep eutectic solvent; moso bamboo; lignin separation; structure analysis; antioxidant activity;
                 separation and purification technology

                 木质素是由 3 种苯基丙烷结构单元通过醚键和                        条件苛刻,存在环境污染 。因此,寻找清洁温和
            碳碳键(单键和双键)连接构成的具有三维空间结构                            的木质素分离技术是木质纤维生物质加工行业发展
            的天然高分子化合物 ,是地球上唯一天然可再生的                            的迫切需求。近年来,离子液体预处理法分离木质
            芳香化合物 。常用的木质素分离方法是化学法,如                            素受到关注,该方法具有过程清洁、木质素分离效
            酸法、碱法、有机溶剂法 。但这些方法通常操作                             率高等优势     [5-6] ,但离子液体成本高,并且在分离木

                 收稿日期:2021-06-30;  定用日期:2021-09-08; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20210673
                 作者简介:程   鹏(1997—),男,硕士生,。联系人:许阳蕾(1986—),女,讲师,E-mail:
       ;许   凤(1970—),女,教授,。
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