Page 168 - 《精细化工》2023年第11期
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第 40 卷第 11 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.40, No.11
             2 023 年 11 月                            FINE CHEMICALS                                 Nov.  2023

                 硅灰基介孔 ZSM-5 分子筛的合成及催化裂解性能

                                       (广西大学  化学化工学院,广西   南宁  530004)

                 摘要:采用工业废弃物硅灰(SF)为原料,淀粉为模板剂通过水热活化-晶化两步法制备了介孔 ZSM-5 分子筛
                 〔DFZ-y-z,y 代表在第几步晶化过程中添加淀粉;z 代表淀粉的添加量,是以酸洗硅灰(SF-A)中 SiO 2 质量为
                 基准〕。采用 XRD、SEM、氮气吸附-脱附及 NH 3 -TPD 对催化剂的晶型、形貌、孔道结构及酸性特征进行了表
                 晶度为 73.4%,总酸量为 1.15 mmol/g,呈现长轴约为 3  μm 的柱状晶粒形貌,孔径分布为 3.5~5.0 nm。当以
                 DFZ-2-10%为催化剂(用量 0.3 g),LDPE 与 AL 质量比为 1∶1(固体原料 0.3 g)时,苯、甲苯、乙苯和二甲
                 苯(BTEX)的选择性达到 91.86%,高于商业 ZSM-5(CZ,86.31%),也高于单独裂解 LDPE 与 AL 时的 BTEX
                 选择性。并且,共裂解时获得的 BTEX 产率(22.94%)明显高于理论 BTEX 产率(18.18%),说明催化共裂解
                 过程中两种原料之间在促进 BTEX 生产方面具有协同效应。
                 中图分类号:TQ426.94                    文献标识码:A
                 文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 11-2480-07   开放科学 (资源服务)  标识码 (OSID):

                      Synthesis and catalytic cracking performance of silica-ash-based
                                       mesoporous ZSM-5 molecular sieve

                   FU Hongbing, GAO Tianhua, LI Xingbin, GE Hucheng, GU Hengshuo, GU Yufei, LI Zhixia
                      (School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, Guangxi, China)

                 Abstract: Mesoporous  ZSM-5 zeolite [DFZ-y-z,  y  represents the  step at which starch is added in the
                 crystallization process; z represents the amount of starch added, based on the mass of SiO 2 in pickling silica
                 fume (SF-A)] was synthesized  from industrial waste silica fume (SF) and starch  via  a hydrothermal
                 activation-crystallization  two-step process. The  crystalline shape, morphology,  pore structure and acidic
                 characteristics of the ZSM-5 zeolite obtained were  characterized by  XRD, SEM, N 2 adsorption and
                 desorption as  well as NH 3-TPD,  followed by evaluation on its catalytic cracking  performance for low
                 density polyethylene (LDPE) and lignin  (AL). The results showed that the  DFZ-2-10% had  relative
                 crystallinity and total acid amount of 73.4% and 1.15 mmol/g, and was columnar particle with long axis of
                 about 3 μm with pore size distribution between 3.5~5.0 nm. When co-cracking of LDPE and AL with mass
                 ratio of 1∶1(dosage of 0.3 g) was carried out, taking DFZ-2-10% as an example (dosage of 0.3 g), the
                 selectivity to benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) reached 91.86%,  higher than that of
                 commercial ZSM-5 (CZ, 86.31%) and that from cracking of LDPE and AL alone. Moreover, the BTEX
                 yield from co-cracking  (22.94%) was significantly  higher than the theoretical BTEX yield  (18.18%),
                 indicating that there was a synergistic effect between two feedstocks in improving BTEX production during
                 catalytic co-cracking process.
                 Key words: silica fume; industrial waste utilization; ZSM-5; catalytic cracking; lignin; BTEX; catalysis

                 收稿日期:2023-04-08;  定用日期:2023-05-16; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20230287
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