Page 42 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
P. 42
す 40 ࢤす 4 ㏳ ࡃ ጒ Vol.40, No.4
20 23 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ FINE CHEMICALS Apr. 2023
ᑍუᏤ 1,2,3 喑ᑍᰵ 1,2,3* 喑䊢㐔ڕ 1,2,3
喍1. ⇠ࡄጒ͇๔႓ ࡃጒ႓䮏喑๖≒ 300131喠2. ⇠ࡄⰮ㐬㞟ࡃጒ̻倅᩵㞯㘪䛺◦侹ბ喑๖≒ 300131喠
3. ๖≒ጯ᱙䉕Ⴖڕࡃጒឭᱜ䛺◦侹ბ喑๖≒ 300131喎
͚ఫܳㆨत喟TQ06 ᪴⡛ᴴ䃳喟A ᪴」㑃त喟1003-5214 (2023) 04-0728-13
Research progresses on hazardous processes for fine
chemical synthesis in microchannel reactors
ZHANG Jiakang 1,2,3 , ZHANG Yuecheng 1,2,3* , ZHAO Jiquan 1,2,3
喍1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300131, China; 2. Hebei
Provincial Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Technology and High Efficient Energy Saving, Tianjin 300131, China; 3.
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Chemical Process Safety, Tianjin 300131, China喎
Abstract: Halogenation, oxidation, diazotization, nitration and catalytic hydrogenation, which are important
reactions in synthesis of fine chemicals, are generally carried out in batch reactors with low efficiency and
potential safety hazards. The development of microchannel reactor technology provides an effective
platform to solve the above problems. Therefore, safe and efficient synthetic processes in microchannel
reactors become research focus in production of fine chemicals. Herein, the research progresses in the
synthesis of fine chemicals involving hazardous processes in microchannel reactors in recent years were
summarized, while the shortcomings and future research directions of microchannel reactor were also
Key words: microchannel reactor; halogenation; oxidation; diazotization; nitration; catalytic hydrogenation
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ࣺᏁ็⊶ࣷᩫ☚Ƞ✳◥ᕔ͚䬡ҀȠ㙽㮭ᕔ䄂ݯȠᰶ 㔹喑䔘ܴ䰭㺮ᩦ䔈ᝃ䲖⣝ႅ⩌ϔ䃫ิ̻ጒ㞧ȡ
ᝃ≨ᕔ⅁ҀȠᭀ⛰হ㜗⛰ぶ䬛䷅喑ᰶᬣ䔅䰭㺮倅 䓾ᎡᲒᓄ⯷λ႓ឭᱜ⮱䔈ₒ喑ᓛ䕇䖀ࣺᏁக
⍖ᝃ倅ࢸぶ͒㠈⮱ጒ㞧Уȡэ㐌̷喑䔆ψࣺᏁ็ ឭᱜᓄݝᔘ䕌ࣾᆂȡ䅀ᓛ䕇䖀ࣺᏁகࣵ⼝ᓛࣺᏁ
ౕ䜉ᐼࣺᏁக͚В䬡⁴⮱ᐼ䔈㵹喑ₑ喑ႅౕф க喑᭜ౕ̭℈㏳ノ䕇䖀͚ࡃ႓ࣺᏁ⮱㷲㒛喑
็⮱⣜ධহႶڕ䮽ᗐ喑㷘పუႶڕ⯾ノᕨᅭჇͧ࢞ ℈㏳ノ⮱ڲᒱ䕇፥ౕ℘ㆠВ̸喑ᰡڤҀౝ䄡喑ౕ
ᩣ⽬ᬒ喟2022-09-03; Ⴧ⩕ᬒ喟2022-10-31; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220824