Page 97 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
P. 97
す 40 ࢤす 4 ㏳ ࡃ ጒ Vol.40, No.4
20 23 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ FINE CHEMICALS Apr. 2023
䷉⢶ྤ喑⢸ Ϋ喑ক㟠㟠喑叱 ᗓ
喍ࢄϙ᳄͇๔႓ 䒨ጒ̻丌৮႓䮏喑㟼 ࢄϙ 210037喎
͚ఫܳㆨत喟TS207.5喠TP212.3 ᪴⡛ᴴ䃳喟A ᪴」㑃त喟1003-5214 (2023) 04-0783-08
Application of nucleic acid probes in biosensing
detection of antibiotic residues
YAN Yuting, WANG Qian, ZHOU Fangfang, HUANG Yue
喍College of Light Industry and Food Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, Jiangsu, China喎
Abstract: Wide usage of antibiotics, as animal therapeutic agents and growth promoters, in agriculture,
animal husbandry and aquatic product breeding lead to excessive antibiotic residues in animal and plant
foods, which seriously threatens human health. Therefore, detection of antibiotic residues in food is of great
significance. However, the existing detection methods, such as microbiological assay, enzyme-linked
immunoassay, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, and capillary electrophoresis, usually have the
disadvantages of time consuming, complex operation and high cost. Biosensors, a new technology with the
advantages of being rapid and simple, high sensitivity, good selectivity and low cost, exhibit great potential
for application in the field of antibiotic residue detection. Nucleic acid probe, a new tool for biological
analysis, has been widely used in the biosensor development. Nucleic acid probe introduced for the
biosensing detection of antibiotic residues opens up a new way for efficient detection. Herein, the
application of nucleic acid probe in the biosensing detection of antibiotic residue is reviewed from the
aspects of electrochemical biosensor, fluorescence biosensor, colorimetric biosensor and other common
biosensors, and the future development directions are discussed.
Key words: antibiotic; residue; nucleic acid probe; detection; biosensor
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ϔ➖ᝃ㔲ϧጒव⮱ㆨѩ➖ 喑ڣڤᰶោ㣹≨ᕔ 䕇䓴丌➖䨫⮱ჹ䯳᩵Ꮑ࢞რϧҀ֒Ꮴ ȡₑ喑͒
ᑧȠោ㣹䅞ᎬȠ҉⩕䓲䕌ぶх◦ [2-3] 喑Ꭼ∈Ꮑ⩕λۉ ᵩᣔݣោ⩌㉍₸⪆ⅡᎠ喑ᄦԊ䯉ϧㆨ䏘Ҁ֒ᏤহႶ
͇Ƞ⪉➔͇ȠⅡϔڨ͇ぶ䶳ഌȡѳ᭜⩞λោ⩌㉍ ڕ㜠ڠ䛺㺮ȡ፥㻱⮱ោ⩌㉍ᷭ≸∂ຯ倅᩵⋟Ⱕ㞟
ᩣ⽬ᬒ喟2022-05-09; Ⴧ⩕ᬒ喟2022-08-26; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220448
҉㔲キϸ喟䷉⢶ྤ喍1998ÿ喎喑ຠ喑ⶂธ⩌ȡ㖁㈨ϧ喟叱 ᗓ喍1992ÿ喎喑ຠ喑䃟ጵ喑E-mail喟ȡ