Page 229 - 《精细化工》2023年第5期
P. 229
第 40 卷第 5 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.40, No.5
20 23 年 5 月 FINE CHEMICALS May 2023
徐习习,顾贵洲,蒋林时,李 政
(辽宁石油化工大学 环境与安全工程学院,辽宁 抚顺 113001)
(DMA)为胺基催化剂条件下生成对氨基苯甲醛,得到最佳 n(DMA)∶n(对硝基甲苯)= 3∶13,其中,对
硝基甲苯用量为 25 g(0.18 mol),下同。然后,对氨基苯甲醛在聚乙二醇 400(PEG-400)催化下与苯胺和盐酸反
应生成副品红粗品,考察了物料比、反应温度和反应时间对副品红粗品产率的影响。结果表明,在 n(PEG-400)∶
n(对硝基甲苯)= 2∶300、n(对硝基甲苯)∶n(苯胺)∶n(盐酸)= 1∶5.9∶2.8、110 ℃下反应 4 h,副品
红粗品产率为 85.6%。最后,考察了蒸馏温度和时间对副品红质量分数的影响。发现在 130 ℃下蒸馏 3 h,副品
红的质量分数达到 91.3%。副品红生产废水主要为苯胺,精馏后苯胺回收率达 89.3%。
中图分类号:TQ246.31;X78 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 05-1149-06
Synthesis, purification and wastewater treatment of parafuchsin
XU Xixi, GU Guizhou, JIANG Linshi, LI Zheng
(School of Environmental and Safety Engineering, Liaoning Petrochemical University, Fushun 113001, Liaoning, China)
Abstract: Parafuchsin was synthesized by two-step catalytic method. Firstly, p-nitrotoluene and sodium
polysulfide were reacted with ethyl alcohol absolute as organic solvent and N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA)
as amine catalyst to form p-aminobenzaldehyde, and the best n(DMA)∶n(p-nitrotoluene)=3∶13 was
obtained,herein, p-nitrotoluene dosage 25 g(0.18 mol),the same below. Then, p-aminobenzaldehyde reacted
with aniline and hydrochloric acid under the catalysis of polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG-400) to produce
crude parafuchsin. The effects of material ratio, reaction temperature and reaction time on the yield of crude
parafuchsin were investigated. The results showed that n(PEG-400) ∶ n(p-nitrotoluene)=2 ∶ 300,
n(p-nitrotoluene)∶n(aniline)∶n(hydrochloric acid)=1∶5.9∶2.8, reaction temperature of 110 ℃ and reaction
time of 4 h, the crude product yield of parafuchsin was 85.6%. Finally, the effects of distillation temperature
and time on the mass fraction of parafuchsin were investigated. It was found that the mass fraction of
parafuchsin reached 91.3% after distillation at 130 ℃ for 3 h. The wastewater from parafuchsin production
was mainly aniline, and the recovery rate of aniline reached 89.3% after rectification.
Key words: parafuchsin; amine-based catalysts; alcohol-based catalysts; water azeotropic distillation;
process improvement; fine chemical intermediates
副品红是一种重要的精细化工原料和中间体, 成过程中会产生大量苯胺污染物,亟需开发绿色高
在促进胶原纤维的吸附 、降低染料-蛋白质毒性的 效的副品红制备及废水处理工艺。
机理研究 、阻止蛋白质凝胶在水中溶解 以及制造 近年来,已开发出多种副品红产率提升的方法,
非线性光学器件 等方面有重要作用,常作为一种 例如:夏春苗等 在缩合反应阶段添加聚乙二醇
黏合剂用于钢铁、橡胶、塑料和纤维等行业中。传统 (PEG),但副品红产率仅提高约 5%;王文娟等 [7]
副品红合成工艺 原料耗损大、副品红产率低,合 利用浓盐酸对副品红粗品精化,虽提高了副品红质
收稿日期:2022-08-25; 定用日期:2022-11-25; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220790
作者简介:徐习习(1995—),男,硕士生,。联系人:李 政(1983—),女,博士,副教授,电话: