Page 165 - 《精细化工》2023年第9期
P. 165
第 40 卷第 9 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.40, No.9
20 23 年 9 月 FINE CHEMICALS Sept. 2023
(重庆理工大学 药学与生物工程学院,重庆 400054)
以 55%~86%的产率得到单苄基化的 6~16 聚的单分散聚乙二醇衍生物,最后通过催化氢化脱去苄基,以 95%~99%
的产率得到 6~16 聚的单分散聚乙二醇。中间体及终产物的结构均经 NMR 和 MS 确证。该方法的优点是:反应
中图分类号:O622.3;TQ423.2+1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 09-2013-07
Highly efficient synthesis of monodisperse polyethylene glycols
YANG Huiyu, WANG Wenli, LI Changgeng
(School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China)
Abstract: A novel method for the synthesis of monodisperse polyethylene glycols by single chain
extension strategy based on macrocyclic sulfates was developed using cheap dipolyethylene glycol,
tripolyethylene glycol and tetraethylene glycol as raw materials. Using benzyl as protecting group, the
hydroxyl end of monobenzylated polyethylene glycols was repeatedly extended by nucleophilic ring
opening and hydrolysis reaction of macrocyclic sulfate and subsequent hydrolysis reaction, and the
monobenzylated monodisperse polyethylene glycol derivatives with polymerization degree of 6 to 16 were
obtained with yields of 55%~86%. Finally, monodisperse polyethylene glycols with polymerization degree
of 6 to 16 were obtained with yields of 95%~99% through debenzylation by catalytic hydrogenation. The
structure of the intermediates and final products obtained were confirmed by NMR and MS. This method
showed advantages of easy reaction process monitoring, high reaction efficiency, no polyethylene glycol
impurities with degree of polymerization close to that of the target products, as well as easy separation and
purification of the intermediates and the final products.
Key words: polyethylene glycols; monodisperse polyethylene glycols; macrocyclic sulfates; synthetic
method; single chain extension strategy; drug materials
聚乙二醇(PEGs)具有多种优异的理化性质, 物的溶解度和稳定性、降低免疫原性和给药频率、
如含有稳定、柔韧和中性的主链结构,在水和其他 延长血液循环 [9-12] 。此外,聚乙二醇及其衍生物也
溶剂中具有良好的溶解度。在生物学特性方面,聚 经常应用于表面科学 [13] 、纳米技术 [14] 和碳纳米管功
乙二醇还具有良好的生物相容性、非免疫原性和非 能化 [15] 等领域。
抗原性 。因此,聚乙二醇被广泛地运用于制药领 传统的聚乙二醇通常是通过环氧乙烷的开环聚
域 [2-4] 、生物医学 [5-7] 和生物偶联 研究中,以提高药 合反应制备 [16] ,聚合度不易精确控制,产物通常是
收稿日期:2023-01-19; 定用日期:2023-03-23; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20230038