Page 186 - 《精细化工》2023年第9期
P. 186
第 40 卷第 9 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.40, No.9
20 23 年 9 月 FINE CHEMICALS Sept. 2023
CaCl 调节银杏果分离蛋白/果胶复合凝胶质构特性
何振东,尤洁瑜,张露妍,张 薇,王耀松
(南京林业大学 轻工与食品学院,江苏 南京 210037)
摘要:将 CaCl 2 加入质量浓度为 120 g/L 银杏果分离蛋白(GSPI)水溶液及质量浓度为 5 g/L 果胶(酯化度分别
为 38%和 76%)水溶液中,使 Ca 最终质量浓度分别为 0.05、0.11 和 0.22 g/L,基于此溶胶制备热诱导 GSPI/
果胶复合凝胶。采用粒径和 ζ-电位法、流变学及质构学、SDS-PAGE、FTIR 和 SEM 测试了溶胶的物化性质、成
胶过程及复合凝胶的功能性和微观结构,探讨了 Ca 对蛋白/果胶复合凝胶性能的影响及其潜在的机制。结果表
明,添加 Ca 降低溶胶粒径,但不改变其带电量;降低溶胶流变学特性,破坏复合凝胶形成;进而弱化凝胶质
构特性,但对其持水性无显著影响。Ca 破坏蛋白与果胶间的作用,竞争性地与果胶结合。随着 Ca 质量浓度
的增加,以上效应表现更显著。相比之下,高酯化度果胶比低酯化度果胶对 Ca 更为敏感。
关键词:银杏果分离蛋白;果胶;CaCl 2 ;质构;食品化学品
中图分类号:TS201.2 文献标识码:A
文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 09-2034-08 开放科学 (资源服务) 标识码 (OSID):
Calcium chloride regulating the texture of Ginkgo biloba seed
protein isolate/pectin composite gels
HE Zhendong, YOU Jieyu, ZHANG Luyan, ZHANG Wei, WANG Yaosong
(College of Light Industry and Food Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, Jiangsu, China)
Abstract: CaCl 2 was added into the composite solutions of Ginkgo biloba seed protein isolate (GSPI) with
a mass concentration of 120 g/L and pectin (esterification degree of 38% and 76%, respectively) with a
mass concentration of 5 g/L to make solutions with the final Ca mass concentration of 0.05, 0.11 and 0.22
g/L. The solutions obtained were then heated to develop GSPI/pectin composite gels. Physiochemical
properties of gel-forming solutions, gelling process of the solutions, functionality and microstructures of the
composite gels were analyzed by particle size and ζ-potential method, rheology, texture profile analysis,
SDS-PAGE, FTIR and SEM. The effect of Ca on the properties of protein/pectin composite gels and the
underlying mechanisms were further investigated. The results indicated that the addition of Ca reduced the
particle size of GSPI/pectin but showed no influence on their electric charge, degraded the rheological
properties of the heat-induced gels, and impaired the formation of fine structure of the gels. As a result, the
gels' textural properties were compromised, but their water holding capacity was not affected significantly.
Ca disrupted the balance of GSPI/pectin assembly because they bound competitively to pectin and
obstructed the interaction between GSPI with pectin. The increase of Ca mass concentrations resulted in a
more pronounced effect. In contrast, pectins with high esterification degree were more sensitive to Ca than
pectins with low esterification degree.
Key words: Ginkgo biloba seed protein isolate; pectin; CaCl 2; texture; food chemicals
银杏在中国种植广泛,利用其果实、叶的历史 中蛋白组分食用价值较为显著,其含量为 10%~
悠久,它们具有众多的食用和医药价值 。银杏果 20%,是一种球蛋白,因其氨基酸组成及比例合理,
收稿日期:2022-12-09; 定用日期:2023-02-25; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20221136