Page 232 - 《精细化工》2023年第9期
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第 40 卷第 9 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.40, No.9
             20 23 年 9 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Sept.  2023

                         CaTiO 催化正戊醛羟醛自缩合反应性能

                           张一哲,孙建壮,赵兴华,安华良 ,赵新强 ,王延吉
                          (河北工业大学  化工学院  河北省绿色化工与高效节能重点实验室,天津  300130)

                 摘要:将酸碱活性位点丰富的钙钛矿氧化物用于催化正戊醛羟醛自缩合反应。采用 XRD、SEM、NH 3 -TPD、
                 CO 2 -TPD 对催化剂进行了表征,优化了催化剂制备和反应条件,明晰了催化剂酸碱活性位点之间的作用关系。
                 结果表明,采用溶胶-凝胶法,在分散剂聚乙二醇(PEG-1000)加入量为 2.5%〔以 Ca(NO 3 ) 2 •4H 2 O 质量为基准,
                 下同〕、500  ℃焙烧 1 h 条件下,可以得到纯相 CaTiO 3 ,此时其分散性和催化性能较优。CaTiO 3 催化正戊醛羟
                 醛自缩合反应的适宜反应条件为:反应温度 190  ℃,反应时间 8 h,催化剂加入量 15%(以正戊醛质量为基准,
                 下同)。在该反应条件下,正戊醛转化率可达 97.0%,产物 2-丙基-2-庚烯醛的选择性可达 99.1%。CaTiO 3 催化剂
                 使用 4 次后,其催化活性无明显下降。酸碱活性位点之间存在明显的协同催化作用。
                 中图分类号:TQ032      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 09-2080-09

                            CaTiO 3 catalyzed self-condensation of n-valeraldehyde

                               ZHANG Yizhe, SUN Jianzhuang, ZHAO Xinghua, AN Hualiang ,
                                              ZHAO Xinqiang , WANG Yanji
                 (Hebei Provincial Key Lab of Green Chemical Technology and Efficient Energy Saving, School of Chemical Engineering and
                 Technology, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China)

                 Abstract: Perovskite oxides with abundant acid-base active sites were ussed to catalyze n-valeraldehyde
                 self-condensation. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, SEM, NH 3-TPD and CO 2-TPD, along with
                 optimization on the preparation and reaction conditions as well as examination on the interaction between
                 acid and base active sites. The results showed that pure phase CaTiO 3 with better dispersion and catalytic
                 performance was obtained by sol-gel method when calcined at 500  ℃  for 1 h with dosage of dispersant
                 polyethylene glycol (PEG-1000) = 2.5% [based on the mass of Ca(NO 3) 2•4H 2O, the same below]. Moreover,
                 under the  optimal self-condensation conditions of reaction temperature 190  ℃,  reaction time 8 h and
                 catalyst 15% (based on the mass of n-valeraldehyde, the same below), the conversion of n-valeraldehyde
                 and the selectivity of 2-propyl-2-heptenal reached 97.0% and 99.1%, respectively. Meanwhile, the catalytic
                 performance of CaTiO 3  showed no  significant decrease after being recycled four times. There was an
                 obvious synergistic catalysis between acid and base active sites.
                 Key words:  n-valeraldehyde; aldol condensation; perovskite; acid-base synergy; catalyst stability;  fine
                 chemical intermediates

                 2-丙基庚醇是一种重要的合成增塑剂用醇,它                         的邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOP)相比,DPHP 具有毒
            可与苯酐、偏苯三酸酐、己二酸等反应合成各种酯                             性小、挥发性低等优点,可以满足更高的安全环保
            类增塑剂,其中以与苯酐反应合成的邻苯二甲酸二                             要求 。因此,对 2-丙基庚醇的合成过程进行研究
            (2-丙基庚)酯(DPHP)为主。与以辛醇为原料制备                         非 常重要。正 戊醛自缩合 制 2- 丙基 -2- 庚烯醛

                 收稿日期:2022-11-28;  定用日期:2023-02-10; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20221090
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